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[av_heading heading='Best Fencing Options To Suit Modern Properties ' tag='h1' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='40' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41wgcpd' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]
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Thursday 12th December 2019 | Curb Appeal, Fencing, Fencing Design Tips, Fencing News, Home Design Tips, Landscaping Design Tips, Landscaping Projects, News, Privacy Fencing, Steel Fencing, Timber Fencing
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Have you recently built a new property or are in the process of renovating? A good quality fence is an essential part of your outdoor space—it will help to improve security, safety and privacy.
When it comes to the aesthetic of your property, a new fence can also do wonders for the overall appearance of your outdoor area.
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You might be surprised by how much of an impact a new fence has when tying together a desired look.
Are you hoping to achieve a fresh and modern aesthetic for your home? Have a read of some of our top fencing options for modern properties below.
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[av_heading heading=' Steel Fencing:' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41whzih' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]
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A hugely popular fencing choice for Australian property owners, steel fences are known for providing extreme durability and security. Built to withstand whatever nature throws at them, steel fencing is an easy option for the boundary fencing required for both residential and commercial properties. Here at Amazing Fencing, we often recommend our clients opt for a steel fence option if they’re wanting to create a modern look.
Our installation team works with the most trusted steel fencing names including Colorbond and PermaSteel. Both options are available in many colours, providing you with the freedom to create a final look that will complement the exterior of your property.
Colorbond and PermaSteel fencing are a great way to add a fresh, sleek and streamlined aesthetic to any outdoor space—especially modern properties.
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[av_heading heading=' Timber Fencing:' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41wiqin' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]
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Timber fencing is often associated with properties of more traditional styles. This however doesn’t always have to be the case. There are many timber fencing options out there that work well with modern properties too. The great thing about timber fencing is that it’s incredibly customisable, making it an easy solution when you’re looking for a modern edge. For example, timber fencing doesn’t always have to have a natural look—consider painting your fence a darker shade to create a more modern aesthetic.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we install timber fencing in a huge range of styles. Some of our top choices for modern properties include lapped, lapped and capped and paling fencing.
If you have a particular idea in mind—just ask. Our timber fencing options are extremely customisable and can be built up to 2.4 metres high.
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[av_heading heading=' Modern Fencing at Affordable Rates:' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41wjdty' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]
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If you’re ready to start the design and installation process for your new fence—contact the specialists at Amazing Fencing today to arrange your obligation-free quote.
We specialise in a wide range of styles including steel and timber fencing options. If you’re still unsure on what fencing type will best suit your needs and budget, be sure to give the team at Amazing Fencing a call today.
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Backed by years of industry experience, you can feel confident you’ll receive expert advice and prompt service from our qualified installers.
For more tips and reliable advice on fencing and retaining walls, be sure to get in contact with our professional team today.
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Quality Fencing—Timber & Steel
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Is your property due for a new fence? With so many different options available, you might be unsure on which type of fence will be the best fit for your home.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we’ve been installing a huge variety of fencing options for many years now—so we’ve decided to share some of our knowledge with you.
This will usually come down to personal preference, plus the style and age of your property. Have a read of our summary below outlining the benefits of both timber and steel to help you decide.
A timeless choice, a timber fence has long been a favourite fencing option for Australian property owners. We often find that timber fencing is most popular with our client’s who have more traditional styled properties and are looking to further enhance this look. Although very popular with traditional homes, timber is very minimalistic, so it can also blend seamlessly with basically any property—this is what makes is so popular.
Timber is one of the most affordable options on the market. Available in many different styles and sizes, timber fencing is easily customisable, making it a simple solution when it comes to creating both security and privacy.
Another top fencing choice is a steel fence. Steel is very popular because of its extreme durability. Capable of withstanding even the harshest of weather conditions, steel fencing is the perfect addition to any Australian home. A steel fence will improve security and privacy while also adding value to your property.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we only work with the most trusted names in the steel fencing game including Colorbond and PermaSteel. Both these steel fencing products are available in a selection of colour choices, so you’ll be able to find a style to complement the exterior of your home perfectly.
Have we helped you decide between timber and steel fencing? To arrange your obligation-free fencing quote, get in contact with our team of fencing experts today. We supply and install an extensive range of fencing solutions including a variety of affordable and durable timber and steel options.
Keep your timber fence looking great and make sure it lasts for years to come by adopting some basic timber maintenance strategies. Here at Amazing Fencing, we create our timber fences from highly durable materials sourced from trusted suppliers—we also provide a 40-year guarantee with all our fences.
Even with this reassurance, it’s still very important to make sure you take care of your timber fence so it looks great and continues to provide both security and privacy without the need for repairs.
Our timber fencing experts have put together a summary of some of our top tips for maintaining timber fencing, particularly within our Australian climate:
Generally ensuring that your timber fence is kept clean is an easy way to help prevent damage and extend the life of your fence. Quick and effective, giving your fence a hose-down every few weeks will help clear it of any dirt build-up, assuming water restrictions are not in place.
Another maintenance tip for timber fencing it to ensure that all branches, bushes and plants near the fence are trimmed. This is because trees and plants hold moisture and if your timber fence absorbs unnecessary moisture it can age prematurely.
At Amazing Fencing, our timber fencing products are correctly treated before installation. If you have an older timber fence that was installed by another company, it may not have been treated like ours are. By using a timber treatment product on your fence, you’ll help reduce the chance of fungal decay forming and also provide added protection against fading and weathering.
Sealers are also used to help protect the timber fence from absorbing too much moisture. If your fence is not treated correctly, you should consider sealing your timber fence regularly to ensure it’s always protected.
If your timber fence suffers any kind of damage, such as storm damage, be sure to have it repaired as soon as possible to avoid the issue becoming worse over time.
Another thing to be mindful of if the risk of termites. Termites like soil, so try to keep your fence above ground where possible. Remember, it’s better to work to prevent termites than have to deal with exterminating them once they arrive.
For more information on timber fencing maintenance or any other fencing enquiries—be sure to contact the specialists at Amazing Fencing.
If timber fencing isn’t for you, we also install a wide range of steel fencing products including PermaSteel and Colorbond. Give our expert team a call today to arrange your free quote.
Are you wanting to improve the privacy at your property? A new fence is a simple and cost effective solution. With so many different fencing styles, brands and sizes, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which will best suit your property, needs and budget.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we’ve been assisting Australian property owners to find their ideal fencing solutions for more than 30 years. So to help you out, we’ve created a summary of some of our top fencing choices for creating privacy.
Steel fencing will provide you with an abundance of benefits—one major benefit being privacy. Strong and durable, a steel fence is built to last and will serve your property for years to come. Easily customisable, steel fencing is available in a variety of colours and shades, so you’ll be able to find a style to complement your property perfectly.
Offered in a range of sizes, steel fencing is regularly a top choice for our clients wanting to improve privacy and create a safe and relaxing outdoor space for their family to enjoy.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we only work with the most trusted names in the steel fencing industry—Colorbond and PermaSteel. Colorbond has been a fan favourite for Australian homeowners for more than 45 years and is a household name when it comes to durability and style.
PermaSteel provides many of the same benefits of a Colorbond Steel fence, but for a very affordable rate. If you’re unsure on the best steel fence for your property—just ask. Our team will be more than happy to help you find the best solution to fit your needs.
If steel fencing isn’t your thing, another great fencing option for creating privacy is a classic timber fence. Available in a huge variety of styles, timber fencing is very easy to customise and will suit properties new and old. Many timber fencing styles, including lapped fencing, can be installed in a variety of heights.
Here at Amazing Fencing, our solid timber fences can be installed up to 2.4 metres high. So if you’re looking to create a private space—a taller timber fence is an easy solution.
Extremely affordable and guaranteed to add an element of natural style to your property, timber fencing will never go out of fashion. At Amazing Fencing, we design and install an extensive range of timber fencing options including lapped, lapped and capped, colonial styles and paling fencing.
Sourced from high-quality materials, our timber fences will not only help create privacy, but they’ll also be durable enough to last for many years to come.
Is it time to improve the privacy at your residential or commercial property? A new fence is the perfect way to add security, style and of course—privacy.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we design and install a complete range of steel and timber fencing solutions to suit the needs and budget of our clients.
For more information or to arrange your obligation-free quote, get in contact with our expert team today.
Are you renovating a traditional or Federation style property? A new fence is the ideal way to finish off the look and tie everything together.
There are so many different types of fencing styles on the market these days, so it can make things a little difficult when it comes time to deciding which is the best option for your particular property.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we’re the specialists when it comes to finding the best fence to suit our client’s needs, budget and the aesthetic of their property.
Our expert team has decided to put together a simple outline of some of our top fencing choices for older, traditional or Federation style properties:
Naturally beautiful and easily customisable, timber fencing is regularly a popular choice for owners of traditional style homes. There are many different types of timber fencing options available, all offering their own benefits. One of the most popular choices for our clients seeking a colonial look is often the classic white picket fence.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we design and construct a huge variety of different colonial fencing options that are all customisable when it comes to their decorative pickets or post tops. Our colonial fencing options are perfect for bringing an extra touch of elegance to residential and commercial properties.
Being timber, a colonial fence also provides you with the flexibility to easily paint and refresh the look entirely whenever you feel like it.
Another top choice we often see owners of traditional properties opt for is the classic lapped or lapped and capped style. Lapped fencing is great because it brings simplicity to any space and because of this, it will effortlessly complement any property type. If you’re seeking a more sophisticated look, we recommend the lapped and capped style.
Similar to standard lapped fencing, lapped and capped is finished off with a rail on top which is known as the ‘cap’. This particular type of fence is the perfect option when adding an element of classic style to the exterior of any residential or commercial property—particularly those seeking a traditional finish.
Customise your lapped fencing to the height of your choice—great for improving both security and privacy.
Building from scratch or renovating an older property—if you’re seeking a traditional look, one of our timber fencing options is always a great choice.
If timber isn’t your thing, we also install a huge range of steel fencing options including Colorbond and PermaSteel.
For more information or to arrange your free quote—get in contact with our expert team at Amazing Fencing today.
Known for its outstanding level of durability, steel fencing has long been a favourite choice for residential and commercial property owners across Australia.
Here at Amazing Fencing, we’re regularly installing steel fences in a range of styles and for a variety of applications.
During our extensive time working with steel fencing, we’ve come to learn about its many benefits and we’ve realised why a steel fence is such a good long-term investment.
Our fencing experts work with two main types of steel: Colorbond and PermaSteel. Learn more about the many benefits below in our steel fencing guide:
Here at Amazing Fencing, we’ve been working with Colorbond fencing products for 30 years and for good reason. Colorbond Steel Fencing has been a popular choice among Australian property owners for more than 45 years.
Because of this impressive reputation, you can feel confident that your new Colorbond fence will be built to last and won’t let you down.
Durable, weather resistant and extremely stylish—a Colorbond fence is an easy way to refresh the look of your property and significantly improve both privacy and security. With the sturdiness of a Colorbond fence acting as your boundary fencing, intruders will be far less likely to attempt to enter your property.
Colorbond fencing is easily recognisable and known for its high level of quality, so it’s also likely to add value to your home.
PermaSteel is similar to Colorbond and achieves near identical results. The biggest feature that makes PermaSteel stand out is its affordable price tag. PermaSteel looks and acts in the same way a Colorbond fence would—all for an extremely budget-friendly price.
Made right here in Australia, PermaSteel is specifically constructed with our changing and sometimes extreme weather conditions in mind.
Tough and dependable, a PermaSteel fence is great for improving security and increasing privacy at your home or business. Best of all, a PermaSteel fence is easily customisable, so you can design your new steel fence to suit your home, complement the exterior and add market value.
Perfect for properties new and old, a PermaSteel fence is great for creating a clean and simple look.
For security, privacy and durability—steel fencing is the easy choice. Here at Amazing Fencing, we provide design and installation services for a complete range of steel fencing styles. For your peace of mind, we only work with the best and most trusted industry brands including Colorbond and PermaSteel.
If you have a different fencing style in mind—we also specialise in timber fencing. For further information on steel fencing and its many benefits or to arrange your free quote—get in contact with the specialists at Amazing Fencing today.
Is the exterior of your property in need of a facelift? There are many methods out there perfect for quickly refreshing the look of your home or business without breaking the budget.
Here at Amazing Fencing, our team of experts have put together a guide on some of the simple things you can do to improve the overall appearance of your property:
You’d be surprised by how much of a difference a new fence can make to the overall look and feel of your home. Depending on the age and style of your property will determine what kind of fencing will best complement it. Popular choices for many of our clients include either timber or steel fencing.
Most timber fencing styles will suit all property types, particularly homes with a traditional look. Steel fencing, including PermaSteel and Colorbond, are also a favourite choice because they’re easily customisable, available in many colours and extremely durable.
A new fence will improve the aesthetic of your property, increase both security and privacy and add value.
Another easy way to give your outdoor area a makeover is by considering the addition of a retaining wall. Great for both front and backyards, a retaining wall will:
Retaining walls are clearly very practical—but they also help keep your outdoor area looking neat and tidy without the need for regular maintenance. Available in a range of styles including our popular timber options, a retaining wall is a simple way to completely rejuvenate your outdoor space.
Have these simple tips inspired you to start giving your property that much-needed makeover?
Get started sooner than later with help for our team of specialists at Amazing Fencing.
Backed by years of industry experience, you can feel confident you’ll receive expert advice and prompt service from our qualified installers.
For more tips and reliable advice on fencing and retaining walls, be sure to get in contact with our professional team today.
A timber fence is a timeless choice when it comes to reliable and stylish boundary fencing. Suitable for modern, traditional and even federation style properties—timber is affordable, durable and looks great. With so many different types of timber fencing options on the market, it can be a bit confusing when deciding on which will best suit your property.
To make this an easier process for you, the experts at Amazing Fencing have created a simple guide on our top timber fencing choices
Check out our timber fence comparison on lapped, colonial and lapped and capped fencing:
A classic choice—colonial fencing is perfect for property owners wanting to create a traditional look and feel. Available in an extensive range of designs and easily customisable, a colonial style fence will be sure to add an element of sophistication to the outside area of your home or business.
A fan favourite for decades, the classic white picket fence is still one of our top timber fencing choices. At Amazing Fencing, we provide a range of colonial options in a selection of decorative styles including decorative pickets and the popular post top style.
Extremely popular among Australian property owners, a lapped fence is a great option for boundary fencing, creating privacy and improving security. A lapped fence is constructed using treated timber palings and is extremely durable. Because of its simple and clean look, a lapped fence will suit any property design.
When constructed using high quality materials, like the ones we use at Amazing Fencing, your lapped timber fence will be built to last for years to come. Add style and value to your property by investing in the simplicity of a lapped fence.
Similar to the standard lapped fencing styles, lapped and capped fencing is constructed using layers of palings overlapping each other with the addition of a timber railing on top of the fence. This is what we know as the “cap” and it finishes off the fence, creating a clean and crisp look.
Lapped and capped fencing is perfect when searching for an elegant and sophisticated finish for your property. Here at Amazing Fencing, we construct our lapped and capped fences in a range of styles and sizes, ensuring your new fence will suit your exterior perfectly and add value to your property.
Whether you’re building a new property or renovating your existing one, a boundary fence is essential when it comes to both security and privacy. Timber fencing has long been a favourite choice for Australian home owners because of its sturdy nature and ability to suit any property type. Here at Amazing Fencing, we provide design and installation services for a complete range of timber fencing styles including lapped, colonial and lapped and capped styles.
Still not sure which style will complement your property best? Get in contact with our timber fencing experts today for your free quote. If timber fences are not your thing or you would like to know more about our steel fencing options like Colorbond Fencing and PermaSteel Fencing—take a look at this article on steel fencing.
Ensure your property is always protected by investing in the reassurance of a new fence. Fencing is essential when it comes to creating privacy, adding value and ultimately improving your property’s security measures. With so many different kinds of fencing styles on the market, it can be overwhelming when it comes to deciding which will best suit your property.
Timber, steel, aluminium—they all come with their benefits when it comes to durability, style and security.
To help make things a little clearer for you, the specialists at Amazing Fencing have put together a guide comparing the best fencing options for security along with some of their other benefits:
Steel fences are a fan favourite for Australian property owners seeking a modern and stylish finish for their boundary fencing. Steel fencing is durable and built to last for years—it will hold up against extreme weather conditions and is even resistant against termites. Because of this superior level of durability, steel fencing is also a top choice when looking to improve your property’s security measures.
Intruders will be deterred by a steel fence and will be far less likely to break through steel compared to other less durable materials. There are a range of steel fences on the market to choose from.
Here at Amazing Fencing, our top choices are Colorbond and PermaSteel:
Tough and durable, Colorbond Fencing is guaranteed to improve the security measures of your property. Constructed with galvanised steel, Colorbond will withstand changing weather conditions and hold up against corrosion.
When opting for Colorbond Steel for your boundary fencing, you’ll create a secure, safe and private environment for your family to enjoy. Intruders will be deterred because of the tough and secure nature of a Colorbond Fence.
Similar to Colorbond, PermaSteel is another top steel choice when it comes to improving the security for both residential and commercial properties. PermaSteel is highly durable and constructed with our Australian climate in mind. This steel fencing style is the ideal choice when it comes to closing off an area and preventing unwanted intruders from entering. Not only is PermaSteel perfect for creating security and privacy, it’s also extremely budget friendly.
Natural and affordable, timber fencing is another option when it comes to the security of your property. A classic choice for years, a timber fence will suit any property style and add value to homes new and old. At Amazing Fencing, we source our timber from the most trusted suppliers, ensuring your new fence is durable and built to last. In order to reduce the impact of termites, our timber fencing is also constructed using steel posts for an even longer lasting finish.
This high level of durability is very important in terms of security, as it becomes significantly harder for intruders to break through your timber fence. Available in a huge selection of styles, timber fencing is also easily customisable to suit your needs. For example, our timber fencing can be constructed up to 2.4 metres high, ensuring that no unwanted visitors will enter your property.
Steel or timber, you’ll be sure to improve the security at your place when you invest in a new fence. At Amazing Fencing, we’re the specialists with it comes to the design and installation of a complete range of security fences including Colorbond Steel, PermaSteel and a variety of timber options.
Constructed with durability in mind, a new boundary fence installed by Amazing Fencing will improve the look of your exterior and most importantly—increase the security.
For more information on our security fencing options, get in contact with the expert team at Amazing Fencing today.
Building a fence around your property can improve the overall aesthetic of your home while keeping your home protected and giving you and your family more privacy. In Brisbane, installing residential fencing is becoming increasingly popular as more and more homeowners realise the benefits of a well-installed fence. However, with so many different types of fence to choose from its important that you take the time to consider the options available.
In Brisbane, fencing is available in a number of different materials, profiles and colours. There is a huge range of choice when it comes to fences for Queenslander homes allowing homeowners more versatility than ever before. Be sure to take the time to speak with reputable fencing contractors about which options will work best for your needs so that you make the right call.
Let’s take a look at three Brisbane fencing styles that are popular with homeowners and fence contractors alike.
Made in Australia, PermaSteel fencing is built specifically built with the Australian climate and weather conditions in mind. For homeowners looking for a Brisbane fencing style that will provide durability and style at an affordable price, PemaSteel might just be the perfect option for your property. Available in a range of colours and fully-customisable to fit the existing style of your home, PermaSteel offers a lot of versatility in terms of design.
Designed to be resistant to attacks by termites, warping and rotting, you can be sure that your PermaSteel fence is tough enough to hold up to whatever the Brisbane weather has in store. And, since these fences are backed by a ten-year warranty, buyers can enjoy even more peace of mind.
Also coming with a ten-year warranty, Colorbond Steel fencing is a great option for homeowners and fence contractors alike. Constructed from galvanised steel with a superior baked-on finish, this popular Brisbane Fencing type is built to withstand the wildest weather.
Colorbond Steel Fencing is termite resistant, non-combustible, is resistant to cracking, peeling and chipping, and features excellent anti-corrosion performance, meaning it will continue to look great over time. There’s a range of profiles, colours and styles to choose from, making Colorbond Steel fencing a highly versatile and functional choice when it comes to selecting fences for Queenslander homes.
Timber fencing is a classic, character-adding and extremely functional Brisbane fencing style that will never go out of fashion. Timber fencing looks great on just about any property and is versatile enough to be used in a range of situations. From small garden fences to tall 2.4 metre surrounding fences, choosing timber increases security and privacy at your property while also improving the overall aesthetic of your home.
Timber fences act as great windbreaks for those living in exposed areas and also act as a great heat reflector in the hot summer months. Treated pine fences are also highly resistant to bores, termite and fungi, and modern treatments prevent decaying during periods of extreme hot and cold weather conditions.
Before contacting your local fence contractors in Brisbane to build a fence, it’s important that you take the time to consider what functionality you want your new fence to provide. Understanding what you want the fence to do, will help you make the right choice in terms of the style of fencing you choose and the materials you will use. Have a look at other homes in your neighbourhood and look at what styles of fence they have installed to see if you can find some inspiration.
When it comes to choosing fences for Queenslander homes, our team of expert fence contractors at Amazing Fencing are here to help you find a fencing style that will fit perfectly with the aesthetic of your home. With our knowledge and experience, our team will ensure that your home looks great, is well-protected and feels secure. Contact our Brisbane fencing experts at Amazing Fencing today. Our team of fencing contractors in Brisbane are ready to answer your questions about fences for Queenslander homes and help you make the right decision for your property.