Spending time outside is a great way for kids to grow and to learn. In today’s article, Amazing Fencing shares yard childproofing secrets to keep your kids safe.

Kids are naturally very curious and active. They need lots of space for running and exploring around – making your front lawn or backyard the perfect place for endless playtime. Apart from fitting your home interiors with childproofing measures, you also have to make sure the outdoor areas of your property are safe for them, too.

There are many aspects to consider when childproofing your backyard to ensure it is truly safe. Given how it is exposed to the elements, you have to consider hazards like bugs and plants. Making sure the backyard is safe for kids is of the essence.

Take a look at the following preventive measures:

1. Choose Non-Chemical Pest and Weed Control

If you are going to use pest and weed controls, make sure that whatever products you get are chemical-free. There are safe ways to control pest or weed infestation that are non-toxic to people.

If you really have to use these products for gardening or lawn maintenance, make sure the young ones are away from the area.

2. Remove Toxic Plants

Gardening is a great activity for kids, but you have to make sure all the plants they come into contact with are safe. Always consult with horticulturists or expert gardeners regarding the plants grown in your garden.

Some plats to avoid include Yellow Oleander, Foxglove, Deadly Nightshade, Euphorbia species, White Cedar, Angels Trumpet and Azalea. Additionally, there are a range of plants that can be toxic to pets – another reason to choose your yard’s flora and fauna carefully.

3. Lock Up The Tools

Do not leave any tools not meant for children’s use lying around. Lock these items up in a shed and put away all chemicals.

4. Secure the Parameters

The first thing you want to do is to define boundaries. How far out are children allowed to run and play? It’s easy to look after children if you are sitting within arm’s reach, but that can’t always be the case.

Fences are a great solution for enclosing the yard, and we have many types available to suit all budgets and homes – timber, slats, screen, colorbond, and permasteel.

5. Fence the Pool

Pool fencing is required by law around Australia and with good reason. All it takes is one slip and a few unsupervised seconds for a child fall into a pool and drown.

Each state has its own regulations on pool fencing, but generally fences must be 1.2 metres high with no obvious climbing spots and a gate that can only swings outwards from the pool area.

Making Your Home Child-friendly

Time spent outdoors contribute to a child’s holistic development. Do not be afraid to let them dig their fingers into the ground and get themselves dirty. These experiences will have a positive and lasting effect on your kids. When it comes to your child’s safety, it is always best to go with the most ideal solutions.

At Amazing Fencing, we fully understand what it takes to keep your yard looking good and functional. We install high-quality fences that will suit your every need. Give us a call now to learn more about our products and offerings.

Summary Child-friendly Yard Proofing

To ensure your child will be safe in your backyard, you will want to:

  1. Choose non-chemical weed and pest control
  2. Remove toxic or hazardous (thorns etc) plants
  3. Lock up all tools and chemicals
  4. Install appropriate fencing to set the boundaries of your property/yard
  5. Install appropriate pool fencing with a gate that opens outward, away from the pool

Owning your own home is a dream come true for many. Whether you dream of a suburban paradise or a country cottage, the feeling of holding the keys to your very own home is one of sheer joy. And once the keys are in your hand, you can start to put your stamp on your new property with your favourite colour combinations, fencing for the yard and that perfect lawn you’ve always wanted.

Most homeowners don’t stop at simply owning their home, they want to personalise it, improve it and add value to their property in any way that they can. However, you don’t need to build expensive extensions or have major landscaping work done to add value to your home. Simply installing quality timber fencing around your garden can work wonders towards improving your home’s worth to potential buyers.

Continue reading to learn more about how installing a treated timber fence in your home can add value and increase the resale value of your property.

1. Curb Appeal

By adding timber fencing to your yard, you’re adding value to your property by increasing your curb appeal. The aesthetics of a stylish wooden fence will show that you maintain your property and care about your home.

This will be noticed by would-be buyers who are always on the lookout for properly maintained homes to consider for purchase. Adding to your curb appeal can add thousands of dollars to your home’s value when you are ready to sell.

2. Privacy

Another essential way a wooden fence or any quality residential fencing will add value to your home is through the privacy it brings.

If you are a private person, you may want a fencing contractor to install a two-metre fence so that you will be able to enjoy your backyard without distraction or interruption. It will also keeps nosy neighbours from interfering in your business.

3. Safety and Protection

Residential fencing is also critical for the safety and protection of yourself and your loved ones. Criminals are a fact of life and you don’t want to be caught with your guard down. A strong fence makes it harder for a burglar or other criminal to get into your yard to break into your house.

Fencing is also great for keeping pets and small children in the yard while you are busy gardening and for keeping wildlife like kangaroos out – who’d only jump at the chance to munch on your lawn!

4. Fencing Material

The material that the fencing contractor uses to build your new residential fence can also add value to your property. Although any fence can bring in some added revenue when you sell, a wooden fence can net a profit of half of what you paid for the fence.

That’s a considerable amount and shows the value that having timber fencing installed in your backyard.

5. Functional

The last way to add value to your property with a wooden fence is to make it more functional by adding in a few gates (make sure they are childproofed).

If a family with small children look to purchase your house, they will be grateful and willing to pay extra for a fully functional fence that will keep their loved ones safe. This goes for prospective buyers with pets as well.

Why Does Adding Timber Fencing to My Property Add Value?

Anytime anyone upgrades their home it can add value to the property. When you then try and sell the house, you will receive a higher amount than if you had not performed the maintenance, upgrade or addition. Whether you add value to your home by bumping up your curb appeal, improving privacy and safety or by adding an attractive fence that functions well, you are putting yourself in the best position possible when it comes time to sell.

An experienced fencing contractor can install your fence using the best materials to ensure that your property is worth more on the market, whether you want to sell now or in the distant future.

Choosing the right residential fencing for your home can be overwhelming. With so many different choices on the market in terms of colour, design and materials, it’s important to take some time to ensure you make the right choice for your needs.

You want to ensure that you find a design that complements the design of your home while adding an extra level of security and protection to your property.

As a homeowner, it’s crucial that you find a fencing solution that will add value to your property without breaking the bank. When choosing residential fencing for your home there are a few key areas that you need to focus on.

Let’s take a look at four of the primary considerations you need to keep in mind when choosing the perfect fencing for your home.

1. Consider the Main Function

First and foremost, you want a functional fence. Whether you decide on timber fencing or steel fencing, you want the barrier to do its job and keep unwanted people or animals out and loved ones in. Make sure you consider what you will be utilising this fence for over the cost or wants you may have.

Do you need to keep livestock or chooks in? Are kangaroos breaking in and feasting on your lawn? If you determine what you will be using your enclosure for, choosing the materials and everything else will be much easier.

2. Is Privacy Important?

Another consideration when selecting the perfect residential fencing is how much privacy you want to have. Solid fencing made from any material will be much better than say, a chain link fence if you are trying to keep wandering eyes out. Timber fencing comes in a variety of styles and can have a lot of character.

Most fencing can be customised and constructed at your desired height to provide you with the privacy you require, allowing you to unwind and relax in your backyard without being watched by passers by.

3. Is the Material Environmentally Friendly?

If you love the environment and want to use timber for your fence, but do not want to harm our native hardwood forests, then you might want to investigate the premium fences that are grown from plantation timbers. By doing so, you are assisting in preserving our most valuable resources. Environmentally-friendly wood has great sustainability. These fences are easy to maintain and there are very little carbon emissions from the production of this timber.

If you prefer the benefits of quality steel fencing, Colorbond steel is the best choice for the environment as steel is 100% recyclable, this type of fencing uses no harsh chemicals during production and the product is so durable it will rarely need to be repaired or replaced.

4. Does it Keep Out Noise?

Another great benefit of fencing is the noise reduction it provides, especially with a timber fence. Wood is a dense material and therefore has excellent acoustic quality. This is critical as it can significantly reduce noise if you are near a main road with a lot of traffic.

Less noise means a quieter neighbourhood. This is excellent for a good night’s rest as well as a sought-after feature if you are looking to sell your home.

What Would the Perfect Fence Look Like in My Yard?

If you’re looking for a residential fence for your backyard, then you need to be aware of all of the available options in both steel fencing and timber fencing. Once you determine the main function of your fence, you can then look into whether you want to choose environmentally-friendly and sustainable timber or if you’d prefer a highly durable steel fence.

Once you have weighed up all the considerations, you will be ready to install the perfect fence around your home for security, privacy and as an added bonus you’ll increase your property value.

These days, a fence can be used to add a whole new dimension to your garden, whether you grow things up it or through it, hang things off it, or a combination of all three. To give you some inspiration, we’ve dug up some stunningly simple vertical garden ideas to turn your fence into a talking point.

Vertical vegies

As more and more people opt for apartment or townhouse living, vertical gardens have become the solution to growing in a confined space. And, given that around 52% of Australians grow at least some of their own food, vertical gardens are an ideal way to make the most of your fence or wall space while providing yourself with fresh herbs and vegies.

The ingenious vertical garden below uses recycled plastic bottles as containers for a variety of leafy greens. Suspended above each other on strong twine, the garden is not only good to look at but also practical, as water from the containers above drains through to the ones below, saving on water and time.

A philosophy of reduce, re-use, recycle underpins this vertical vegie garden.

Succulent pallets

‘Upcycled’ timber pallets are another great way to create a vertical garden without spending too much money or time. Pallets are easily accessible and usually free – out back of your local supermarket is a good place to start – and converting them into a garden is not difficult. There’s heaps of advice about converting pallets online, and no shortage of inspiration, such as the pallet garden in the picture below, which makes use of a variety of succulents, mixing up colours, heights and textures to dramatic effect.

Planning your vertical garden

With the explosion in popularity of the vertical garden has come a wealth of accessories dedicated to growing plants on your wall or fence, including decorative metal frames and a range of planters and containers with inbuilt hooks or watering systems, to mention just a few.

Before you go out and spend a whole lot of money, plan what you want from your vertical garden. It may be possible to adapt what you already have in your garden, or use recycled materials from around the house.

Think about what you want to grow – vegies and herbs need sun, for example, while a fernery would do okay in sheltered shade. If the garden is on a balcony, think about water drainage — you don’t want to flood the downstairs neighbours.

Think about what kind of vertical garden would suit your fence — whether it’s timber or metal will influence the plants and containers you choose. It’s now possible, at many nurseries, to view sample vertical gardens on different fencing materials so, do a bit of research and you’ll get a good idea what’s possible for your particular space.

Vertical art

One of the best things about vertical gardens is their combination of form and function — like hanging a painting on your lounge-room wall, your vertical garden is an opportunity to express your creativity and individuality in your outdoor space. So, let your imagination run wild and turn your fence into a living work of art.

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