If you’re in the process of renovating your Sydney property or just in need of a new fence, you’ve probably already started shopping around and have discovered that there is an extensive range of different fencing styles out there these days.

Some fencing options are timeless and some styles will come and go pretty quickly—to help you decide on the ideal fence for your property, the experts here at Amazing Fencing have put together a summary of some of our top fencing options in 2020.

Popular timber fencing styles in Sydney:

A timeless classic that doesn’t seem to be going out of fashion any time soon is the timber fence. The reason why timber fencing is still a top choice in 2020 is because of the minimalistic touch it brings to any property type. This means that you can update your property as the years go by and your timber fence won’t ever look out of place.

Another great aspect of timber fencing is that it’s available in a huge range of styles. This includes lapped fencing, lapped and capped, paling fencing and even Colonial style fencing.

A timber fencing style that has become increasingly popular in Sydney recently, particularly with smaller spaces, is timber slat fencing and privacy screens. We often recommend timber slat screening to property owners who are seeking a modern and fresh aesthetic for their property.

Steel Fencing: Colorbond & PermaSteel

Another welcome addition to any Sydney home or business is a steel fence. For many years, Australian property owners have opted for steel fencing options such as Colorbond fencing because of the outstanding level of durability, privacy and security they bring. Even better, steel fencing is another minimalistic option and will still be a suitable style for many years to come.

In 2020, darker fencing colours have been becoming increasingly popular. Steel fencing options such as Colorbond and PermaSteel are available in a range of colours, so you will be able to find an option to suit the desired look you’re wanting to achieve.

If you are trying to stick to a budget, we recommend opting for PermaSteel for your new steel fencing addition. PermaSteel brings many of the same benefits of a Colorbond steel fence but for a more budget-friendly price.

Refresh your property today:

Is it time for a new fence at your place? Here at Amazing Fencing, our team of experts specialise in a wide range of fencing options including both timber and steel fences.

If you’re not sure what type of fencing will best suit your needs or you would like further advice on 2020 fencing trends, be sure to get in touch with our team today for more information or to arrange your free quote in Sydney.

Timber fencing has long been a welcome addition to Australian properties of all styles, sizes and ages. Here at Amazing Fencing, we are the specialists when it comes to timber fences and we are passionate about helping our clients find their ideal timber fencing solution.

If you have already started your research into timber fencing, you would be well aware that there are many different styles out there. So to help you decide which timber fence will be the best fit for your property, we’ve put together a summary to outline some of the most popular timber fencing styles.

1. Paling Fencing:

Timber paling fencing is one of the most common forms of timber fencing. This type of fence is minimalist in appearance which makes it a suitable choice for all types of properties across Australia.

Ideal for boundary fencing, a timber paling fence is affordable, easy to install and when sourced from trusted timber suppliers and maintained properly, your timber paling fence will last for many years to come. We regularly recommend paling fences to those who are seeking a simple timber fencing choice that will provide security and privacy but won’t break the budget.

2. Lapped Fencing:

Lapped fencing is similar to pailing fencing due to its simplistic design. Here at Amazing Fencing, our lapped fencing options are perfect for properties old and new. Lapped fencing consists of two layers of overlapped timber palings—this minimal design makes it great for boundary fencing.

Similar to the lapped fencing option is lapped and capped fencing. The lapped and capped style is much like lapped fencing but the fence also has a paling along the top of the fence which acts as the capping. This creates a sturdier fence and also further adds to the overall appearance of the fence.

3. Colonial Fencing:

Colonial fencing has long been a popular choice for property owners who are wanting a traditional aesthetic for their home. Colonial fencing is a simple way to bring a decorative look to the exterior of your property and here at Amazing Fencing, our Colonial fencing is available in a range of styles and colour choices.

Some of these styles include decorative pickets and post tops. If you’re unsure of which style would best complement your property, our team of experts are always happy to assist.

Are you interested in a new timber fence? The team at Amazing Fencing have been supplying and installing a complete range of timber fences for years now and we’d love to help you find your ideal timber fencing solution. If timber fencing isn’t for you, we also specialise in a variety of steel fencing options including Colorbond and PermaSteel.

To arrange your free quote—get in touch with the experts at Amazing Fencing today.

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Thursday 12th December 2019 | Curb Appeal, Fencing, Fencing Design Tips, Fencing News, Home Design Tips, Landscaping Design Tips, Landscaping Projects, News, Privacy Fencing, Steel Fencing, Timber Fencing


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Have you recently built a new property or are in the process of renovating? A good quality fence is an essential part of your outdoor space—it will help to improve security, safety and privacy.

When it comes to the aesthetic of your property, a new fence can also do wonders for the overall appearance of your outdoor area.

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You might be surprised by how much of an impact a new fence has when tying together a desired look.

Are you hoping to achieve a fresh and modern aesthetic for your home? Have a read of some of our top fencing options for modern properties below.


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[av_heading heading=' Steel Fencing:' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41whzih' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]

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A hugely popular fencing choice for Australian property owners, steel fences are known for providing extreme durability and security. Built to withstand whatever nature throws at them, steel fencing is an easy option for the boundary fencing required for both residential and commercial properties. Here at Amazing Fencing, we often recommend our clients opt for a steel fence option if they’re wanting to create a modern look.

Our installation team works with the most trusted steel fencing names including Colorbond and PermaSteel. Both options are available in many colours, providing you with the freedom to create a final look that will complement the exterior of your property.

Colorbond and PermaSteel fencing are a great way to add a fresh, sleek and streamlined aesthetic to any outdoor space—especially modern properties.

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[av_heading heading=' Timber Fencing:' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41wiqin' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]

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Timber fencing is often associated with properties of more traditional styles. This however doesn’t always have to be the case. There are many timber fencing options out there that work well with modern properties too. The great thing about timber fencing is that it’s incredibly customisable, making it an easy solution when you’re looking for a modern edge. For example, timber fencing doesn’t always have to have a natural look—consider painting your fence a darker shade to create a more modern aesthetic.

Here at Amazing Fencing, we install timber fencing in a huge range of styles. Some of our top choices for modern properties include lapped, lapped and capped and paling fencing.

If you have a particular idea in mind—just ask. Our timber fencing options are extremely customisable and can be built up to 2.4 metres high.


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If you’re ready to start the design and installation process for your new fence—contact the specialists at Amazing Fencing today to arrange your obligation-free quote.

We specialise in a wide range of styles including steel and timber fencing options. If you’re still unsure on what fencing type will best suit your needs and budget, be sure to give the team at Amazing Fencing a call today.

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Backed by years of industry experience, you can feel confident you’ll receive expert advice and prompt service from our qualified installers.

For more tips and reliable advice on fencing and retaining walls, be sure to get in contact with our professional team today.



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Get Your FREE Fencing Quote Today


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Quality Fencing—Timber & Steel


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Are you renovating a traditional or Federation style property? A new fence is the ideal way to finish off the look and tie everything together.

There are so many different types of fencing styles on the market these days, so it can make things a little difficult when it comes time to deciding which is the best option for your particular property.

Here at Amazing Fencing, we’re the specialists when it comes to finding the best fence to suit our client’s needs, budget and the aesthetic of their property.

Our expert team has decided to put together a simple outline of some of our top fencing choices for older, traditional or Federation style properties:

Colonial Timber Fencing:

Naturally beautiful and easily customisable, timber fencing is regularly a popular choice for owners of traditional style homes. There are many different types of timber fencing options available, all offering their own benefits. One of the most popular choices for our clients seeking a colonial look is often the classic white picket fence.

Here at Amazing Fencing, we design and construct a huge variety of different colonial fencing options that are all customisable when it comes to their decorative pickets or post tops. Our colonial fencing options are perfect for bringing an extra touch of elegance to residential and commercial properties.

Being timber, a colonial fence also provides you with the flexibility to easily paint and refresh the look entirely whenever you feel like it.

Lapped Timber Fencing:

Another top choice we often see owners of traditional properties opt for is the classic lapped or lapped and capped style. Lapped fencing is great because it brings simplicity to any space and because of this, it will effortlessly complement any property type. If you’re seeking a more sophisticated look, we recommend the lapped and capped style.

Similar to standard lapped fencing, lapped and capped is finished off with a rail on top which is known as the ‘cap’. This particular type of fence is the perfect option when adding an element of classic style to the exterior of any residential or commercial property—particularly those seeking a traditional finish.

Customise your lapped fencing to the height of your choice—great for improving both security and privacy.

Start Refreshing Your Property Today

Building from scratch or renovating an older property—if you’re seeking a traditional look, one of our timber fencing options is always a great choice.

If timber isn’t your thing, we also install a huge range of steel fencing options including Colorbond and PermaSteel.

For more information or to arrange your free quote—get in contact with our expert team at Amazing Fencing today.

Building a fence around your property can improve the overall aesthetic of your home while keeping your home protected and giving you and your family more privacy. In Brisbane, installing residential fencing is becoming increasingly popular as more and more homeowners realise the benefits of a well-installed fence. However, with so many different types of fence to choose from its important that you take the time to consider the options available.

In Brisbane, fencing is available in a number of different materials, profiles and colours. There is a huge range of choice when it comes to fences for Queenslander homes allowing homeowners more versatility than ever before. Be sure to take the time to speak with reputable fencing contractors about which options will work best for your needs so that you make the right call.

Let’s take a look at three Brisbane fencing styles that are popular with homeowners and fence contractors alike.

Permasteel Fencing

Made in Australia, PermaSteel fencing is built specifically built with the Australian climate and weather conditions in mind. For homeowners looking for a Brisbane fencing style that will provide durability and style at an affordable price, PemaSteel might just be the perfect option for your property. Available in a range of colours and fully-customisable to fit the existing style of your home, PermaSteel offers a lot of versatility in terms of design.

Designed to be resistant to attacks by termites, warping and rotting, you can be sure that your PermaSteel fence is tough enough to hold up to whatever the Brisbane weather has in store. And, since these fences are backed by a ten-year warranty, buyers can enjoy even more peace of mind.

Colorbond Steel Fencing

Also coming with a ten-year warranty, Colorbond Steel fencing is a great option for homeowners and fence contractors alike. Constructed from galvanised steel with a superior baked-on finish, this popular Brisbane Fencing type is built to withstand the wildest weather.

Colorbond Steel Fencing is termite resistant, non-combustible, is resistant to cracking, peeling and chipping, and features excellent anti-corrosion performance, meaning it will continue to look great over time. There’s a range of profiles, colours and styles to choose from, making Colorbond Steel fencing a highly versatile and functional choice when it comes to selecting fences for Queenslander homes.

Treated Timber Fencing

Timber fencing is a classic, character-adding and extremely functional Brisbane fencing style that will never go out of fashion. Timber fencing looks great on just about any property and is versatile enough to be used in a range of situations. From small garden fences to tall 2.4 metre surrounding fences, choosing timber increases security and privacy at your property while also improving the overall aesthetic of your home.

Timber fences act as great windbreaks for those living in exposed areas and also act as a great heat reflector in the hot summer months. Treated pine fences are also highly resistant to bores, termite and fungi, and modern treatments prevent decaying during periods of extreme hot and cold weather conditions.

Finding The Right Brisbane Fencing Style For Your Home

Before contacting your local fence contractors in Brisbane to build a fence, it’s important that you take the time to consider what functionality you want your new fence to provide. Understanding what you want the fence to do, will help you make the right choice in terms of the style of fencing you choose and the materials you will use. Have a look at other homes in your neighbourhood and look at what styles of fence they have installed to see if you can find some inspiration.

When it comes to choosing fences for Queenslander homes, our team of expert fence contractors at Amazing Fencing are here to help you find a fencing style that will fit perfectly with the aesthetic of your home. With our knowledge and experience, our team will ensure that your home looks great, is well-protected and feels secure. Contact our Brisbane fencing experts at Amazing Fencing today. Our team of fencing contractors in Brisbane are ready to answer your questions about fences for Queenslander homes and help you make the right decision for your property.

Discussing what the weather is doing, how it’s affecting your day-to-day, what it has in store over the coming days or weeks and sharing a few complaints about it, is a big part of being a true Melburnian. With the weather being a constant topic of conversation in Melbourne, you know that you need to protect your property from the harsh weather that the Victorian capital so often experiences.

For homeowners in Melbourne, fence styles are plentiful and it is crucial that you make the right choice to ensure your property is protected from the elements. However, making the right residential fencing choice is also important in terms of how long your fence will hold up to being exposed to the weather over time. As our Melbourne fence experts will tell you, Colorbond Steel fencing is often recommended by fence contractors as it is tough, durable and excellent at standing up to the tough weather conditions in Victoria. Let’s take a closer look at just a few reasons that Colorbond steel fencing will not only stand up to the harsh Melbourne weather but will also stand the test of time.

Tough, Durable Construction

Constructed from galvanised steel with a superior baked-on finish, this very popular type of Melbourne fence is built to withstand whatever weather might come along. Because of its robust design, the amount of maintenance work, repairs and replacements are kept to a minimum, saving you money in the long run.

What’s more, Colorbond Steel Fencing is also termite resistant, non-combustible, is resistant to cracking, peeling and chipping, and features excellent anti-corrosion performance, meaning it will continue to look great over time.

Offers Excellent Protection

Colorbond Steel Fencing will give your home an added layer of protection from the weather, while also making your home more secure and keeping your property more private than before.

With more than twenty-five years of experience building fences specifically for the Australia weather conditions, you know that your property is in safe hands with Colorbond Steel Fencing no matter what the weather is like.

10-Year Warranty

Accompanied by a ten-year warranty, you can rest easy knowing that your investment in your property is protected for the next decade. When a company proudly stands behind their product, you know that you are dealing with a quality operation. Experienced fence contractors will often recommend Colorbond Steel fencing as it comes with this extra level of protection for homeowners.

Your Colorbond Steel Fencing warranty covers the materials against everything from corrosion to perforation due to weathering and against paint flaking and peeling. This warranty only further highlights how strong and durable Colorbond Steel Fencing really is.

Colorbond Steel Fencing is a Great Choice for Melbourne Homeowners

Colorbond Steel Fencing is an ideal residential fencing style for any Melbourne home. With the local weather conditions, you know that you can rely on Colorbond Fencing to keep your home secure, private and protected. However, before you decide on a style, be sure to speak to your local fence contractors about your design options. After all, you need to ensure that you choose a fencing material that will look great, stand the test of time and hold up to the harsh weather conditions that Melbourne is so often subjected to.

At Amazing Fencing, our team of expert Melbourne fence contractors can help you to choose the best colour and profile for your new Colorbond Steel fencing so that it fits seamlessly with the current design of your home. With our experience and expertise, you can be sure that your home will be well protected no matter what the weather is like outside. Get in touch with our Melbourne fence experts at Amazing Fencing today and we will help you find the best residential fencing style to keep your home protected from the Melbourne weather.

Melbourne fence styles are varied and diverse with homeowners opting for a range of different design options. Depending on your property, different fencing styles can complement the aesthetic of your property better than others. Take the time to look at other Melbourne fence styles in your area to get some inspiration and then speak to your fencing contractors about your options.

With the right fence, your home will be better protected, be more secure, your privacy will be improved and your property will also look better. Choosing from the best looking fences on the market might take some time, so here are some of the most popular Melbourne fence styles right now to get you started.

The Classic Timber Fence

When it comes to fencing materials, timber never goes out of style. Not only does a timber fence provide excellent thermal profiles for gardens and makes a great windbreak for exposed areas of Melbourne, but it is also incredibly versatile. In terms of design, you have a never-ending list of choices, with design options ranging from basic timber fencing to some of the best looking fences featuring stylish lattice designs.

Timber fences can be built up to 2.4 metres tall, providing unparalleled security and privacy for you and your family. For a timeless, classic fence, that adds a sense of character to a property, consider timber fencing for your Melbourne property.

Colonial Fencing

With the abundance of Victorian-style homes in Melbourne, you need a Victorian fence to match the aesthetic of your home. When your home is of a particular design persuasion, it’s important to create flow and consistency throughout the property to tie it all together. Choosing the right fencing to surround your property is an important decision.

One fencing style that is particularly popular with Melbourne homeowners and fencing contractors is colonial fencing, a Victorian fence style. Providing a timeless look, while providing excellent protection, colonial fencing is a great Victorian fence style and the perfect choice to compliment your Victorian home. Explore colonial fencing designs to find a Victorian fence style that will add a touch of class and elegance to your family home.

Colorbond Steel Fencing

Built with the Australian climate in mind, steel fencing is a fantastic option for any Melbourne property. Constructed of strong, durable materials Colorbond steel fencing is not just tough but it is built to last too. Colorbond fences have a superior baked on finish that is resistant to chipping, peeling and cracking. These fences are also non-combustible, termite resistant and very secure.

They also feature anti-corrosion protection and come with a 10-year warranty for your peace of mind. With an incredible range of colours to choose from, you can be sure that you will find the right colour fencing to match the colour scheme you already have in place. There is also a wide range of fencing profiles and sizes to choose from. The versatility and adaptability of Colorbond Steel fencing have made it a true Melbourne favourite.

Timber Slat Fencing

For Melbourne homeowners looking to give their home a modern facelift, timber slat fencing is a very popular choice. A timber slat fence gives a slick, sleek finish to a property and revitalizes the overall look and feel of your home. As one of the best looking fences, it’s also a particularly popular option for backyards and smaller spaces. With a solid construction using steel posts, timber slat fences are constructed with the highest quality treated pine slats and can be installed by fencing contractors on virtually any property.

This particular style of fencing is a popular choice with Melbourne homeowners looking for more privacy in their back gardens. Having more privacy in your backyard, allows you and your family to get together and have those summer barbecues without having to deal with nosy neighbours or prying eyes.

Find The Right Melbourne Fence Style For Your Property

Finding that perfect Melbourne fence style will ultimately depend on a number of different factors. Your own personal taste and style choices will be one important factor, as well as the style of your home. You will also need to consider what function you want the fence to serve and it’s important to consider your choices in terms of materials, colours and finishes. Whether you opt for a Colorbond steel fence, or a Victorian fence, speak to your fencing contractors about the best looking fences available to ensure you make the right choice for your home.

At Amazing Fencing, we have completed countless fence installations in the Melbourne area. With our local knowledge, you can be sure that our team of fencing experts can help you find the perfect fence for your Melbourne home.

Get in touch with our team today and let us help you to find you that perfect fence that you’ve been dreaming of.

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Friday 23rd August 2019 | Curb Appeal, Fencing, Fencing Design Tips, Fencing News, Home Design Tips, Landscaping Design Tips, Landscaping Projects, News, Privacy Fencing, Steel Fencing, Timber Fencing


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Putting up a fence is not as straightforward as just digging out foundations, putting posts in the ground and erecting a fence around your property. In Melbourne, both fencing contractors and homeowners alike need to ensure that their new fence meets the fence requirements of Melbourne. Building a legal fence in the Victorian capital means meeting what is outlined in Victoria fencing law under the Fences Act to ensure that everything is above board.

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From whether or not you need a fencing notice to who will have to pay for the fence, we will look into all of the ins and outs of the fence requirements in Melbourne to ensure that you have a legal fence installed on your property. With our experience working as fence contractors in Victoria, you can be sure that have all of the information that you need when it comes to understanding the Melbourne fencing requirements.

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[av_heading heading='1. The Fences Act' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-2dz2fnz'][/av_heading]

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The Fences Act outlines the rules regarding who should pay for a dividing fence, what type of fence will be built, Melbourne fencing notices that neighbours need to give to one another and how disputes can be handled when it comes to building or replacing fences in Melbourne.

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Created by the Victorian government in order to protect residences rights and reduce and resolve potential conflicts, The Fences Act is a must-read for Melbourne residence and developers. You can find out more about it here.


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[av_heading heading='2. Legal Fence: What Is A Dividing Fence?' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-2008spr'][/av_heading]

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Fence contractors, or individuals, who are building a dividing fence need to be clear as to what exactly a dividing fence is outlined as under the fence requirements in Melbourne. The Melbourne fencing requirements define a dividing fence as one that is built to separate two pieces of adjoining land.

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Depending on what is agreed on by each of the neighbours, the fence may or may not be located on the common boundary between the sites. If there is an obstruction or waterway on the common boundary, for example, the fence contractors may need to build the fence off of the common boundary line.


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To ensure that you satisfy the fence requirements in Melbourne, you should first talk to your neighbour informally before putting up the fence. If you and your neighbour can decide together on the style and location of the fence, as well as which fencing contractors you will use, then the fencing works can continue as planned. 

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On the other hand, if you cannot reach a solution with your neighbour, then you will need to present your neighbour with a fencing notice. This is a formal document, which outlines the proposed construction or repair works required. Your neighbour then will have 30 days to respond to the notice, otherwise, you can go ahead and call your fencing contractors to begin the project as soon as the 30 day period has lapsed.


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Typically, the owners of the adjoining properties that the fence will divide should pay an equal share towards the cost of the fence. However, if one of the two parties would like to have a more expensive fence than what is necessary, they should pay the difference. For example, they may want to use different materials, colours or a more high-spec fence profile than the basic fence that would be required to divide the two properties. In this instance, the neighbour who wants the higher quality fence will need to pay the difference in costs.

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When determining what the minimum requirements are for a dividing fence, there are a number of different elements that need to be taken into consideration. These are determined on a case-by-case basis. For example. In a residential area, a 1.8-metre high timber paling fence might be required, while in a more rural setting, a simple wire fence might be enough.


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Building a fence on your property is something that you want to do right the first time around. The last thing that you want is to hire fencing contractors to build your fence, only to discover that is not a ‘legal fence’ and you have to start the build all over again. Reputable fencing contractors will be able to give you the most up-to-date advice on Melbourne fencing and let you know whether your fence meets the fence requirements in Melbourne prior to building.

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Here at Amazing Fencing, we have the local knowledge and expertise that you need to ensure that your fence is put up correctly and meets the guidelines outlined in the Fences Act. With the help of our team, you can be sure that you will have, not just a legal fence, but a top-quality, functional fence that looks great and complements your property too.

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When it comes to Sydney fencing choices there are plenty of options available with something to suit every taste, style and budget. Whether you want to install a fence to give your home some more privacy and protection, to clearly set your boundaries or simply to improve the look of your home, you can choose from the best looking fences that fencing contractors in Sydney have to offer to find the right fit for your home.

For Sydney homeowners, it’s important to take the time to find a fence that works seamlessly with your property. You want to choose a fencing style that will flow with the overall look and feel of your home and complement the existing features. From a small yard fence to terrace fencing, fencing contractors in Sydney can help you to choose the right option for your home so that you have a fence that is functional, practical and is one of the best looking fences in your neighbourhood.

To help you choose the right fence for your home, let’s explore some Sydney fencing styles that are proving popular with homeowners.

1. Timber Slat Screening

Providing homeowners with a modern look and an aesthetically pleasing look, timber slat fencing is a popular choice with homeowners in Sydney. This style of fencing works particularly well in smaller spaces and is a great alternative for those who do now want a solid block-out fence.

Constructed from the highest quality treated pine and/or hardwood slats, timber slat fencing is versatile enough to work in just about any style of home in Sydney. With its tough, durable construction, you can be sure that it will look great and serve you well for many years to come.

2. Colorbond Fencing

Due to its incredible versatility both in terms of colours, design options and installation choices, Colorbond steel fencing continues to be an attractive Sydney fencing option. Available in a wide range of colours, you can be sure that you will find the right colour to match the style and features of your home.

Colorbond fencing is also an excellent choice for those homeowners looking to add an extra level of protection and security to their property. Furthermore, it cannot be eaten by termites, it won’t burn or rot and comes with a ten-year warranty so you know you’re well-covered no matter what the future might hold.

3. Paling Fencing

For many years, paling fencing has been commonly installed in homes all over Australia and with good reason. This style of fencing continues to be a popular Sydney fencing style due to its strong construction and that it can easily be painted or stained if you so choose.

Timber fencing works well with virtually any style of home and timber fences can be built as tall as 2.4 metres high, offering Sydney homeowners a great opportunity to bolster their home security. A timber fence will also provide excellent thermal profiles for gardens and is a highly effective heat reflector.

Seek The Advice Of Experienced Fencing Contractors

For the perfect small yard fence or terrace fencing for your home, get in touch with our team of fencing contractors at Amazing Fencing today. Our knowledgeable fencing experts have the skills and the expertise to help you choose the best looking fence style that is popular in Sydney and find a solution that works for you.

When it comes to Sydney fencing installations you can rely on our fencing contractors to help you out with your fencing needs every step of the way.

Finding the right fence for your property can take some time. You want to ensure that it complements the style of your home, or even improves the aesthetic of your property as a whole. Between looking at profiles, colours and design ideas, it’s important that you make time to understand the particular fence requirements in Gold Coast.

Before your fence contractors get to work installing your new boundary, you need to ensure that you will have a legal fence. The last thing you want is to end up having to remove your fence, or worse again, have to pay a fine for not complying with the fence requirements all Gold Coast residents have to abide by.

When it comes to the Gold Coast fencing requirements, there are three main areas that you need to pay close attention to.

Function Of A Legal Fence

1. Improved Security: A fence that is being installed for security purposes should clearly define the boundary of your property and clearly highlight where the entry to your property is.

2. More Privacy: Your new fence can be considered a ‘legal fence’ if it’s purpose is to reduce the noise in your outdoor space and give the outdoor recreation areas of your home more privacy.

3. Better Air Circulation: Installing a fence that will improve airflow or protect your property from strong winds meets the fence requirements for Gold Coast.

4. Increased Safety: In Gold Coast, fencing that will keep your pets or young children from wandering off is accepted.

5. Clearly Defines Space: Hiring fence contractors to install a boundary that will help to define your outdoor spaces such as parking spaces, play areas or outdoor entertainment areas is considered a ‘legal fence’.

The Fencing Location

Where you position your fencing will have an impact on how it will be utilised. For example, a fence that is installed on your boundary line shows where your property starts and ends, while a fence that runs across the top of a low wall provides additional security for your home.

Although it’s not legally required, official fence requirements in Gold Coast have certain recommendations in place for homeowners. If you are considering installing a fence behind some existing plants or shrubs, or you are planning to plant in front of your fence after it has been installed, you should take this into consideration. Installing the fence 600mm inside the property boundary will create enough space to allow for a low maintenance planting bed which can help to make the fence more visually appealing on busy roads while also adding more screening.

On the other hand, if your property is above street level, privacy will be less of a concern as it is more difficult for people to see into your home from below. In this instance, fence contractors may suggest a fence constructed with posts and adding shrubs or planting inside the fence for added privacy and to improve the aesthetic. Remember in this case, there are some restrictions you might need to ask your fencing contractor about in terms of the overall height of the fence, combined with the additional height that the fence reaches above ground level.

Your Chosen Fencing Materials

Once the function of the fence and the location have been decided on, the next step is to give some thought as to what materials you want to use. Some of the most popular Gold Coast fencing materials are timber and steel due to both their versatility and their pleasing aesthetic.

When choosing a material and finalising your fencing design, be sure to keep in mind that, depending on your final design, you may need a permit for building work.

If your fence will be more than 2 metres in height above ground level or it will be more than 1.2metres high in the waterfront setback area, a permit will be required. Some materials are more restrictive in terms of how high they can be built but this is something definitely worth keeping in mind. Check with your local council to be certain of the current requirements.

Check With Your Fencing Contractor Before Installing Your Fence

To ensure that you have a legal fence on your property, it’s always best to check with your fencing contractor. They will have the most up-to-date information regarding the fence requirements in Gold Coast and will be able to recommend a popular Gold Coast fencing style that will work well for your property while also satisfying the local rules and regulations.

With more than 30 years of experience in the fencing industry, our team at Amazing Fencing is always up-to-date with the latest developments and permit requirements. Get in touch with us today and we can give you the assistance you need to get your fence installed as it should be.

Committed to the Highest Standards & Customer Excellence

*Prices differ depending on location and are subject to change without notice.
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