Not all fencing provides the same benefits to a home or property. For an industrial or commercial site, safety and security are the highest priorities, while keeping the budget in mind. Our expert fencing contractors will tell you that your best bet is to choose high-quality galvanized steel fencing and gates.

Steel fencing, such as ColorBond or PermaSteel, is affordable, durable against the harsh Australian climate, offers complete privacy and is very difficult for intruders to climb – due to the lack of hand and footholds.

Part of the low cost of steel fencing is thanks to the little to no maintenance required to keep it looking great as there is no risk of fires, rot, termites, chipping or cracking.

A bonus feature to choosing steel is that it is better for the environment: steel is a one hundred percent recyclable material and today’s modular steel fencing systems generate very little scrap during installation.

ColorBond Steel Fencing

ColorBond has been a staple in Australia for 50 years, some key points about ColorBond are:

Learn More about ColorBond fencing here.


Colorbond logo

PermaSteel Steel Fencing

PermaSteel are so confident of the quality of each fence they manufacture, that each is backed with a full 10-year warranty covering all posts, rails and infill sheets.

Learn more about PermaSteel Steel Fencing here.


Permasteel logo

Your residential fencing is a vital part of your home. It helps keep you safe, protects your pets and garden and can add a dash of design to complement your house.

If you are thinking of installing a new fence on your property, hiring a professional fencing contractor has many benefits that are worth the initial cost.
Here are our top 5 reasons to hire a fencing contractor.

1. Experience & Expertise

A licensed and insured fencing contractor can offer professional advice on which fence will suit your individual needs and have the know-how to complete the job properly.

2. No Stress

While DIY projects can be really fun and rewarding, there are some jobs that are very costly to do incorrectly.

We do not recommend installing your own fence if you are not properly trained. Not only may the fence have problems, but it could even be dangerous.

3. Save Money

Although it may seem costly on initial installation, having a professional install your new fencing will decrease costs in the long run by decreasing the need for repairs and maintenance.

For example, a large issue that layman installers can run into is not having the correct property lines marked before building the fence.

If they install your new fence on your neighbour’s property or install it too close to your home by mistake, then you will need to remove it and start again.

4. Increase Property Value

A professionally installed fence, especially one that includes a warranty, can often increase the value of your home.

5. Correct Installation

Completing a DIY or hiring someone who is not properly trained in the process, may result in a sub-par finished product that requires costly fixes.

Hiring a professional contractor, such as our team at Amazing Fencing, will give you the peace of mind that your completed fence is perfect.

Here in Australia, we are very familiar when it comes to weather extremes—scorching hot one day and torrential flooding the next isn’t unheard of.

This is why it’s essential to consider our climate conditions when conducting any kind of renovations to the exterior of your property.

If it’s time to have a new fence installed and you’re unsure of what would be the most durable choice in terms of weather conditions, keep on reading!

Here at Amazing Fencing, we’ve been assisting Australian property owners find their ideal fencing solutions for many years and we’re experts when it comes to selecting the most weatherproof fencing styles.

Steel Fencing:

Our top pick for durability is steel fencing. Steel is tough enough to withstand changing weather extremes and when looked after properly, it will last for many years to come. Whatever the weather brings—wind, flooding, storms or extreme heat, a steel fence installed by the experts at Amazing Fencing will be sturdy enough to withstand it all.

Not only is steel fencing durable and built to last, but it will also enhance the aesthetic of your property and improve its market value.

Here at Amazing Fencing, we work with two main types of steel fencing—Colorbond and PermaSteel.

Colorbond Fencing:

Colorbond steel fences have long been a sought after addition for Australian homes. Designed to be highly durable and built to last, Colorbond fences are a simple way to bring security, privacy and style to any residential or commercial property.

Here at Amazing Fencing, we’ve been installing Colorbond fences for years and we will always recommend Colorbond to those clients who are specifically searching for a fence that will withstand extreme and ever-changing weather conditions. Colorbond fences can be installed in a range of colours and sizes, so there is a perfect fit for every home.

PermaSteel Fencing:

One of our other top recommendations for durability is PermaSteel. The PermaSteel range brings many of the same benefits that you will get from a Colorbond fence. For example, PermaSteel fences are sturdy, available in a variety of colours and will bring a fresh new look to any Australian property.

The one big difference you get from a PermaSteel fence is the budget-friendly price tag. If you’re searching for a weather-proof steel fence that isn’t out of your price range, PermaSteel could be your ideal option.

Arrange a quote today!

Time to weatherproof your property? For further information on our steel fencing range or to organise your free quote with our team—get in touch with the specialists at Amazing Fencing today.

If steel fencing isn’t the right fit for you, we also supply and install an extensive range of timber fencing products.

The addition of a retaining wall will help to improve both the functionality and the overall appearance of your property.

Retaining walls have long been recommended by landscaping professionals when it comes to dealing with sloped and uneven terrain. Today, our team still believes that retaining walls are a top choice for Australian property owners.

Here at Amazing Fencing, we’ve been installing retaining walls for many years now—our team of experts have put together a summary of some of the many benefits of retaining walls.

Functionality Benefits:

One of the top benefits of a retaining wall is that it will provide structural support and hold soil in place, particularly for land that is especially uneven or sloped. You might think that your sloped land is unusable—but this doesn’t have to be the case! By installing a retaining wall, you’ll level out flat areas of your land and make it functional—perfect for planting and decorating.

A retaining wall will help to prevent soil corrosion, particularly if there aren’t many trees or shrubs present within your landscape which generally help to hold the soil in place.

Some property owners will also opt for a retaining wall as a means of flood control as they help to improve the flow of water and drainage when it rains.

Aesthetic Benefits:

As discussed above, retaining walls are great when it comes to improving the functionality of your outdoor space. A bonus of a retaining wall is that it will also help to improve the look of your property—this will likely lead to an increase in market value.

If your front or backyard is sloped, it doesn’t have to be an eyesore and a big waste of space—the installation of a retaining wall is the perfect solution to make good use of your land and create a neat and tidy space.

Regardless of the age and style of your property, there will be a retaining wall option out there that will complement your home perfectly. Retaining walls can be installed in a range of styles and materials including timber and concrete options. At Amazing Fencing, we’ve assisted countless clients find the perfect retaining wall to suit their property, needs and budget.

Retaining wall

Considering a retaining wall?

Here at Amazing Fencing, our installation team have been assisting Australian property owners with their retaining walls for many years.

We’re available to provide you with ideas and solutions for making the most out of your outdoor space.

Get in contact with the team of experts at Amazing Fencing today to arrange your free quote. If your property doesn’t require a retaining wall, take a look at our extensive range of timber and steel fencing options, including both Colorbond and PermaSteel.

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Thursday 12th December 2019 | Curb Appeal, Fencing, Fencing Design Tips, Fencing News, Home Design Tips, Landscaping Design Tips, Landscaping Projects, News, Privacy Fencing, Steel Fencing, Timber Fencing


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Have you recently built a new property or are in the process of renovating? A good quality fence is an essential part of your outdoor space—it will help to improve security, safety and privacy.

When it comes to the aesthetic of your property, a new fence can also do wonders for the overall appearance of your outdoor area.

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You might be surprised by how much of an impact a new fence has when tying together a desired look.

Are you hoping to achieve a fresh and modern aesthetic for your home? Have a read of some of our top fencing options for modern properties below.


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[av_heading heading=' Steel Fencing:' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41whzih' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]

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A hugely popular fencing choice for Australian property owners, steel fences are known for providing extreme durability and security. Built to withstand whatever nature throws at them, steel fencing is an easy option for the boundary fencing required for both residential and commercial properties. Here at Amazing Fencing, we often recommend our clients opt for a steel fence option if they’re wanting to create a modern look.

Our installation team works with the most trusted steel fencing names including Colorbond and PermaSteel. Both options are available in many colours, providing you with the freedom to create a final look that will complement the exterior of your property.

Colorbond and PermaSteel fencing are a great way to add a fresh, sleek and streamlined aesthetic to any outdoor space—especially modern properties.

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[av_heading heading=' Timber Fencing:' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k41wiqin' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]

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Timber fencing is often associated with properties of more traditional styles. This however doesn’t always have to be the case. There are many timber fencing options out there that work well with modern properties too. The great thing about timber fencing is that it’s incredibly customisable, making it an easy solution when you’re looking for a modern edge. For example, timber fencing doesn’t always have to have a natural look—consider painting your fence a darker shade to create a more modern aesthetic.

Here at Amazing Fencing, we install timber fencing in a huge range of styles. Some of our top choices for modern properties include lapped, lapped and capped and paling fencing.

If you have a particular idea in mind—just ask. Our timber fencing options are extremely customisable and can be built up to 2.4 metres high.


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If you’re ready to start the design and installation process for your new fence—contact the specialists at Amazing Fencing today to arrange your obligation-free quote.

We specialise in a wide range of styles including steel and timber fencing options. If you’re still unsure on what fencing type will best suit your needs and budget, be sure to give the team at Amazing Fencing a call today.

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Backed by years of industry experience, you can feel confident you’ll receive expert advice and prompt service from our qualified installers.

For more tips and reliable advice on fencing and retaining walls, be sure to get in contact with our professional team today.



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Get Your FREE Fencing Quote Today


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Quality Fencing—Timber & Steel


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[av_heading heading='By The Rules: Planning For A New Fence In Melbourne' tag='h1' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='0' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-30b0h8v'][/av_heading]


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Friday 23rd August 2019 | Curb Appeal, Fencing, Fencing Design Tips, Fencing News, Home Design Tips, Landscaping Design Tips, Landscaping Projects, News, Privacy Fencing, Steel Fencing, Timber Fencing


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Putting up a fence is not as straightforward as just digging out foundations, putting posts in the ground and erecting a fence around your property. In Melbourne, both fencing contractors and homeowners alike need to ensure that their new fence meets the fence requirements of Melbourne. Building a legal fence in the Victorian capital means meeting what is outlined in Victoria fencing law under the Fences Act to ensure that everything is above board.

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From whether or not you need a fencing notice to who will have to pay for the fence, we will look into all of the ins and outs of the fence requirements in Melbourne to ensure that you have a legal fence installed on your property. With our experience working as fence contractors in Victoria, you can be sure that have all of the information that you need when it comes to understanding the Melbourne fencing requirements.

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[av_heading heading='1. The Fences Act' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-2dz2fnz'][/av_heading]

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The Fences Act outlines the rules regarding who should pay for a dividing fence, what type of fence will be built, Melbourne fencing notices that neighbours need to give to one another and how disputes can be handled when it comes to building or replacing fences in Melbourne.

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Created by the Victorian government in order to protect residences rights and reduce and resolve potential conflicts, The Fences Act is a must-read for Melbourne residence and developers. You can find out more about it here.


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Fence contractors, or individuals, who are building a dividing fence need to be clear as to what exactly a dividing fence is outlined as under the fence requirements in Melbourne. The Melbourne fencing requirements define a dividing fence as one that is built to separate two pieces of adjoining land.

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Depending on what is agreed on by each of the neighbours, the fence may or may not be located on the common boundary between the sites. If there is an obstruction or waterway on the common boundary, for example, the fence contractors may need to build the fence off of the common boundary line.


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[av_heading heading='3. Agreeing To The Terms' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-5y488v'][/av_heading]

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To ensure that you satisfy the fence requirements in Melbourne, you should first talk to your neighbour informally before putting up the fence. If you and your neighbour can decide together on the style and location of the fence, as well as which fencing contractors you will use, then the fencing works can continue as planned. 

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On the other hand, if you cannot reach a solution with your neighbour, then you will need to present your neighbour with a fencing notice. This is a formal document, which outlines the proposed construction or repair works required. Your neighbour then will have 30 days to respond to the notice, otherwise, you can go ahead and call your fencing contractors to begin the project as soon as the 30 day period has lapsed.


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Typically, the owners of the adjoining properties that the fence will divide should pay an equal share towards the cost of the fence. However, if one of the two parties would like to have a more expensive fence than what is necessary, they should pay the difference. For example, they may want to use different materials, colours or a more high-spec fence profile than the basic fence that would be required to divide the two properties. In this instance, the neighbour who wants the higher quality fence will need to pay the difference in costs.

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When determining what the minimum requirements are for a dividing fence, there are a number of different elements that need to be taken into consideration. These are determined on a case-by-case basis. For example. In a residential area, a 1.8-metre high timber paling fence might be required, while in a more rural setting, a simple wire fence might be enough.


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[av_heading heading='Hire Trusted Fence Contractors To Ensure You Meet The Fence Requirements In Melbourne' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-x15tnj'][/av_heading]

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Building a fence on your property is something that you want to do right the first time around. The last thing that you want is to hire fencing contractors to build your fence, only to discover that is not a ‘legal fence’ and you have to start the build all over again. Reputable fencing contractors will be able to give you the most up-to-date advice on Melbourne fencing and let you know whether your fence meets the fence requirements in Melbourne prior to building.

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Here at Amazing Fencing, we have the local knowledge and expertise that you need to ensure that your fence is put up correctly and meets the guidelines outlined in the Fences Act. With the help of our team, you can be sure that you will have, not just a legal fence, but a top-quality, functional fence that looks great and complements your property too.

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Get a FREE Quote on Melbourne Fencing


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Get your free Melbourne Fencing quote with Australia's number one fencing installer.


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Installing a fence on your property is a great way to give your home more privacy, add some extra protection and improve the overall aesthetic of your space. With so many different materials and styles to choose from, such as timber fencing, steel fencing and screen fencing, it’s important that you take the time to find the right kind of fencing for your home. Colorbond steel fencing is a great option as it is not only highly functional but with more than 14 colours to choose from, you can be sure that you will be able to find a fence that will complement the style of your home.

Which time of year you are going to install your new Colorbond fence is an important point to give some real consideration to. Despite what you might think, many fence contractors will recommend that you install your Colorbond fence in winter as you will be able to get the job done quicker, potentially at a lower cost* and your property will already be ready when the warmer weather rolls around. When it comes to your Gold Coast fence installation, having your fence put up during winter can be beneficial for a number of reasons.

1. Save Money on Fence Contractors*

Most outdoor contractors are a lot less busy during the winter months and that includes fencing contractors. When it’s the off-season for anything, supply is lower and so you can potentially save some money as a result.

Getting ahead of the crowd and installing your fence in the quiet winter months, you may be able to get yourself a more competitive price than what you are likely to get during the ‘Gold Coast fence high-season’ during spring and summer.

2. Your Colorbond Steel Fencing Will Be Ready For Summer

With its clean, crisp lines and tough durable construction, you don’t need to worry about the effects of the weather on Colorbond fencing if you install it during winter. Once it is put up, it will continue to look great for years to come, it will not rot or be eaten by termites and is tough enough to hold up to even the harshest weather conditions.

Many homeowners think that if they choose to install their fencing in winter that it will look shabby and worn by the time summer rolls around. With Colorbond fencing, however, it will stand strong through the winter and you can look forward to having all of the work done and your fence installed when the weather starts to warm up.

3. Install Your Gold Coast Fence Quicker

As we already mentioned, fence contractors are busier in the spring or summer months. If you don’t want to be waiting around for your steel fencing to be installed, you should consider calling your Gold Coast fence contractor in winter when they are more available.

The entire process of the fence contractors coming out to evaluate the property, to buying the materials and installing the fence will be much quicker in the winter. Once your fence is installed, the curb appeal of your home will instantly be improved, you will be able to enjoy more privacy and your garden will be better protected from the elements.

Choose Winter For Your Colorbond Fence Installation

Installing Colorbond steel fencing on your property is a great investment in your home. When installed correctly by an experienced Gold Coast fence contractor, your fencing will have no vertical gaps, lose palings or visible footholds and it is very easy to maintain. You will not need to spend any additional time replacing palings, re-painting or re-oiling your fence.

With Colorbond steel fencing, you will be spoilt for choice both in terms of the gate design you choose, the colours and the personal touches that you can add like post caps, lattice and slats. Get in touch with a reputable fencing contractor today and set up a consultation to get the ball rolling on having Colorbond steel fencing installed on your property this winter.

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[av_heading heading='By the Rules: Planning for a New Fence in Sydney' tag='h1' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='subheading_above' subheading_size='15' padding='0' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]


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April 15th 2019 | Fencing, Fencing Design Tips, Home Design Tips


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Are you thinking of putting in a new residential fence on your property?

If you are a first-time fence installer or are new to New South Wales, you may not know there are a number of important rules and regulations regarding residential fencing you must adhere to in order to ensure your fence is safe, does not upset your neighbours and does not harm the local environment. Failure to follow these regulations could result in a pricey fine (and having to shell out more hard earned money to have your fence brought up to code).

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It is important to note that whether you plan to install your new residential fence yourself or plan to hire a reputable fencing contractor, it is important that you have a plan in place and understand the rules for your area to ensure the work is done correctly.

Today we will break down the most important rules when building a new residential fence in Sydney and provide you with resources to make the planning process easier.

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[av_heading heading='1. Sydney Fencing Rules' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]

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For a full list of rules and regulations, please visit the NSW Government website page on fence planning here.



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[av_heading tag='h2' padding='10' heading='2. Example Fencing Plan Diagrams' color='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' custom_font='' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size=''][/av_heading]

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Click Image to Enlarge - *Image Source: of


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[av_heading tag='h2' padding='10' heading='3. Find Out What Zoning Applies to Your Lot' color='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' custom_font='' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size=''][/av_heading]

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To ensure you know exactly what your lot’s zoning rules regarding fencing are, check out the NSW online ‘Find a Property’ tool.

Simply type in your address and you’ll be given all the information on your lot you will need such as what zone you are located in, the contact information of the council responsible for your zone, what planning policies and environmental controls apply to your zone and more.

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Additionally, this handy tool lets you download/print your individual lot’s property report for ease of use or to provide your fencing contractor.

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  1. Ensure your fence style complies with the general NSW fencing rules and regulations found here.
  2. Know what zone your property resides in using the NSW free ‘Find a Property’ tool and determine if there are special fencing regulations pertaining to your area.
  3. Ensure you speak to your neighbour about your new fence plan if it divides your properties. Familiarise yourself with the NSW Dividing Fences Act 1991 to know your rights in the event of a neighbour dispute.
  4. Ensure the materials of your fence are good quality and the workmanship meets both the manufacturer’s specifications and the Building Code of Australia (BCA) minimum standards.


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From choosing the right fencing style and materials for your needs through to installation that adheres to the Building Code of Australia standards, the expert contractors at Amazing Fencing are here to help you realise your perfect Sydney fence. Contact us today to get your free quote!

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Get your free fencing quote with Australia's number one fencing installer.


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For most homeowners, their home is an important place of quiet refuge from the outside world so it goes without saying that you want to keep it as safe as possible. You don’t want to worry about intruders breaking into your home and putting your family in harm’s way. A great way to ensure that your home and your family are protected is by installing a quality fence on your property. Not only will it keep you safe but it will add value to your property by adding to the overall aesthetic.

While it’s possible to construct a fence yourself, it will pay off to hire a professional fencing contractor as they will know exactly what they are doing and will be able to build a fence to your exact requirements.

What’s more, they will give your fence that true polished, professional finish that can often be difficult when you don’t have the right experience. With different fencing options available, a fencing contractor will be able to advise you on the best option for your needs and also for your budget.

No matter what your fencing needs are, hiring a professional is always the best option but it’s crucial that you choose the right fencing contractor for the job.

Let’s take a look at some of the most important things you need to consider when choosing a fencing contractor to install your fence.

1. Your Materials Of Choice

Some homeowners have a very clear image of the fence they want. Perhaps you want a beautiful treated pine timber fence or Colorbond® fencing to surround your property?

If you have your heart set on a particular fencing style or material, this may dictate which fencing contractor you choose as different contractors often specialise in different materials and/or styles.

2. Consider The Cost

As with any household renovation or work that needs to be done on your property, the price is going to be a major consideration. Take some time to work out how much you are prepared to pay for materials and installation and then discuss your options with your fencing contractor. They will be able to advise you on what the best options are for your budget.

3. Timeline

Depending on the size of the job, your fencing contractor is going to need a certain amount of time to complete the work required. It’s important to speak with them to arrange a timeline in which you would like your fence put up and for the work to be fully completed.

Professional fencing contractors, like all contractors, work to deadlines so don’t be afraid to ask. The last thing you want is to have to wait weeks or even months feeling unsafe in your home without a fence installed or while wild animals are eating your lawn.

4. Licensed and Insured

Always look for fencing contractors who are licensed and insured. In the rare situation that something might go wrong, you want to be sure that you are working with a professional fencing contractor who is licensed to do the job right and insured in case of injury.

A contractor who has gone to the trouble of getting their paperwork in order can generally be considered to be trustworthy, professional and dedicated to their work. As a homeowner, you want to hire a fencing contractor with this kind of reputation and nobody else.

5. A Good Relationship

When selecting a contractor to install a fence on your property, do your very best to choose someone that you can establish a bond with. If you feel they are constantly trying to upsell or make excuses as to why things can’t or won’t be done, then walk away.

Listen to your instincts and choose a fencing contractor who you will be happy to work with going forward.

When making any changes or upgrades to your home, you want to be sure that they are done correctly. It’s important to take some time to consider all of the variables, to hire trusted contractors and ensure that the job is done right the first time around. The last thing you want is to have to have the job done again, costing you more time and money.

Installing timber fencing is something that takes time, expertise and quality materials.

Of course you want to get your new fence in place as quickly as possible, but if you rush the installation, it will lead to problems down the line and will cost you more in the long run. Take some time to consider all the elements of the installation to ensure it is done correctly the first time and will stand the test of time.

Let’s take a look at a few key areas you need to pay special attention to to ensure that your timber fencing is installed successfully.

Step 1. Professionally Mark Your Property

One of the most important things you can do as a homeowner is to have your property line, as well as the utility lines, marked before you start your project. Your fencing contractor or fence builder may say they will take care of this, but it is essential that it is done right to avoid any damage to city utility lines.

It is just as critical to make sure you know exactly where your property line is, as you do not want your new fence built on your neighbour’s property.

Step 2. Determine the Height and Number of Gates

Another vital part of having your timber fencing installed correctly is to know how high you want your fence to be. In addition, make sure to calculate how many gates you want leading in and out of your yard. Typically, wooden fences can be any height, can be angled where necessary and are usually about 1.8m high.

You also need to know how high your gates will be because the height of the gate is used to determine the number of hinges that will need to be installed for each gate.

Step 3. Know the Appropriate Fence Post Depth

It’s important to know the appropriate fence post depth before installing your new wooden fence. This is important when purchasing the fence posts because not all of the posts will be visible. Approximately half a metre will be buried in the ground in order to provide adequate support.

Make sure you plan accordingly when purchasing the correct fence post lengths.

Step 4. Check with Your City Regarding Permits for Your Timber Fencing

In order to avoid any legal issues, it’s important to verify your wooden fence is installed correctly by checking with your city’s guidelines first. If you have used a fencing contractor or a fence builder, they should have contacted the city regarding any required permits or other information related to the project.

Some areas may have a height restriction on fences, others might require a permit or will not allow a fence to be built at all. Make sure to check any local laws or requirements before you start your fencing project.

Why Does it Matter if My Fence is Installed Correctly?

If you went to the bother trouble of calling a fencing contractor out to your property and had them install the fence, then you want to make sure that it is sturdy and installed professionally. The last thing you want to happen is for the fence to fall over or break during high winds.

By professionally marking your property and utility lines, determining the proper number of gates and height of the fence, knowing the appropriate post depth, and checking with your city for permits, you will know that your new fence will remain secure for many years to come.

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*Prices differ depending on location and are subject to change without notice.
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