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[av_heading heading='By the Rules: Planning for a New Fence in Sydney' tag='h1' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='subheading_above' subheading_size='15' padding='0' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]
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April 15th 2019 | Fencing, Fencing Design Tips, Home Design Tips
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Are you thinking of putting in a new residential fence on your property?
If you are a first-time fence installer or are new to New South Wales, you may not know there are a number of important rules and regulations regarding residential fencing you must adhere to in order to ensure your fence is safe, does not upset your neighbours and does not harm the local environment. Failure to follow these regulations could result in a pricey fine (and having to shell out more hard earned money to have your fence brought up to code).
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It is important to note that whether you plan to install your new residential fence yourself or plan to hire a reputable fencing contractor, it is important that you have a plan in place and understand the rules for your area to ensure the work is done correctly.
Today we will break down the most important rules when building a new residential fence in Sydney and provide you with resources to make the planning process easier.
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[av_heading heading='1. Sydney Fencing Rules' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]
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For a full list of rules and regulations, please visit the NSW Government website page on fence planning here.
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[av_heading tag='h2' padding='10' heading='2. Example Fencing Plan Diagrams' color='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' custom_font='' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size=''][/av_heading]
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Click Image to Enlarge - *Image Source: of https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au
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*Image Source: of https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au
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[av_heading tag='h2' padding='10' heading='3. Find Out What Zoning Applies to Your Lot' color='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' custom_font='' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size=''][/av_heading]
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To ensure you know exactly what your lot’s zoning rules regarding fencing are, check out the NSW online ‘Find a Property’ tool.
Simply type in your address and you’ll be given all the information on your lot you will need such as what zone you are located in, the contact information of the council responsible for your zone, what planning policies and environmental controls apply to your zone and more.
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Additionally, this handy tool lets you download/print your individual lot’s property report for ease of use or to provide your fencing contractor.
[av_button_big label='Find Your Property' description_pos='below' link='manually,https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/find-a-property' link_target='_blank' icon_select='yes-right-icon' icon='ue879' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' color_hover='theme-color' custom_bg_hover='#444444' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_button_big]
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[av_heading heading=' What do I need to know before installing a new residential fence in Sydney?' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='30' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]
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From choosing the right fencing style and materials for your needs through to installation that adheres to the Building Code of Australia standards, the expert contractors at Amazing Fencing are here to help you realise your perfect Sydney fence. Contact us today to get your free quote!
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Get your free fencing quote with Australia's number one fencing installer.
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Spending time outside is a great way for kids to grow and to learn. In today’s article, Amazing Fencing shares yard childproofing secrets to keep your kids safe.
Kids are naturally very curious and active. They need lots of space for running and exploring around – making your front lawn or backyard the perfect place for endless playtime. Apart from fitting your home interiors with childproofing measures, you also have to make sure the outdoor areas of your property are safe for them, too.
There are many aspects to consider when childproofing your backyard to ensure it is truly safe. Given how it is exposed to the elements, you have to consider hazards like bugs and plants. Making sure the backyard is safe for kids is of the essence.
Take a look at the following preventive measures:
If you are going to use pest and weed controls, make sure that whatever products you get are chemical-free. There are safe ways to control pest or weed infestation that are non-toxic to people.
If you really have to use these products for gardening or lawn maintenance, make sure the young ones are away from the area.
Gardening is a great activity for kids, but you have to make sure all the plants they come into contact with are safe. Always consult with horticulturists or expert gardeners regarding the plants grown in your garden.
Some plats to avoid include Yellow Oleander, Foxglove, Deadly Nightshade, Euphorbia species, White Cedar, Angels Trumpet and Azalea. Additionally, there are a range of plants that can be toxic to pets – another reason to choose your yard’s flora and fauna carefully.
Do not leave any tools not meant for children’s use lying around. Lock these items up in a shed and put away all chemicals.
The first thing you want to do is to define boundaries. How far out are children allowed to run and play? It’s easy to look after children if you are sitting within arm’s reach, but that can’t always be the case.
Fences are a great solution for enclosing the yard, and we have many types available to suit all budgets and homes – timber, slats, screen, colorbond, and permasteel.
Pool fencing is required by law around Australia and with good reason. All it takes is one slip and a few unsupervised seconds for a child fall into a pool and drown.
Each state has its own regulations on pool fencing, but generally fences must be 1.2 metres high with no obvious climbing spots and a gate that can only swings outwards from the pool area.
Time spent outdoors contribute to a child’s holistic development. Do not be afraid to let them dig their fingers into the ground and get themselves dirty. These experiences will have a positive and lasting effect on your kids. When it comes to your child’s safety, it is always best to go with the most ideal solutions.
At Amazing Fencing, we fully understand what it takes to keep your yard looking good and functional. We install high-quality fences that will suit your every need. Give us a call now to learn more about our products and offerings.
To ensure your child will be safe in your backyard, you will want to:
Fencing and other such perimeter structures are not just for providing privacy, security and a great view of your yard – when it comes to film and television, fencing can serve a variety of purposes all in the name of entertainment and story-telling.
Read on to learn about some of the most iconic fences in the film and TV industry.
In the first instalment of this 2012 hit film, Katniss Everdeen is seen crawling through an old electrical fence that surrounds the perimeter of District 12. This fence was built to prevent the district’s residents from escaping into the nearby area called the Meadow. The Perimeter Fence also keeps wild animals out of the district itself.
In the book, the fence is described as a tall, chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. The fence also runs an electric current through the links as an added security precaution. But because District 12 doesn’t have great electricity resources—despite its coal production—the fence rarely emits an electric current. It’s also rusty and worn down from lack of maintenance and care.
In the film, though, the fence looks like old, rusted spokes sticking out of the ground, connected with thin strings of electrical wire that helps to create an enclosed and eerie setting for the story.
This Neil Gaiman novel-turned-film displays a magical barrier that enthrals readers and viewers alike. The Wall is made from stone, and rumour has it that it contains a secret. In the town of Wall (named for the wall that lies at the edge of the village), many people know to stay away from this barrier.
The Wall is guarded night and day to prevent passers-by from crossing through a gap in the stone. Through trickery, the main character, Tristan, jumps around the guard and crosses through the gap into the magical land of Stormhold.
During his time in Stormhold, Tristan discovers a fallen star named Yvaine, becomes a guest on Captain Shakespeare’s flying ship and evades dangerous witches and conniving princes. But to get back home to Wall, he must find The Wall and cross through the crumbled-stone gap.
Another novel-turned-film, ‘The Maze Runner’ depicts a small clearing dubbed ‘The Glade’ inhabited by young boys. Surrounding The Glade are four incredibly wide grey stone walls that stretch between 200 and 300 feet (about 61 to 91 metres) high.
In the film, these walls open up different sections of The Maze that some of the boys, called ‘runners’, explore in search of an escape route. During their trips, these ‘runners’ also try to find ways to stop the Grievers, dark-dwelling maze creatures that kill anything in sight.
Thomas, the protagonist of the book and film series, ventures into The Maze and discovers a code that allows him and the other boys in The Glade to escape from captivity.
During the zombie apocalypse, nothing protects surviving humans better than structurally sound fences. In this American horror drama series, Rick Grimes and his troupe of fellow survivors travel across rural Georgia to evade attack from a plague of zombies.
At first, the gang settles in an abandoned prison surrounded by two secure, chain-link fences that are also topped with rolls of barbed wire. The fence protects them from the Walkers (their term for zombies) until one of their enemies attacks the prison and tears down the fence.
In a later season, Rick’s group is led to a community called Alexandria. This town is filled with other survivors, thanks to tall, sturdy walls that protect the community. The towns’s founders used construction materials like wood and metal poles and metal panelling to construct the walls. One area also includes a covered sliding gate that allows residents to cross in and out of the boundaries.
Additionally, these walls are braced from the outside, a feature that makes the fence incredibly structurally sound. This bracing keeps the fence strong against hordes of zombies that congregate around it, and it affords the residents of Alexandria more room inside.
When the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815 crash-land on a mysterious island, they’re met with an array of unknown dangers. The island reveals many things to the crash survivors, including hidden caves with fresh water, buried hatches full of non-perishable food, a stranded plane and an ominous black smoke monster.
One of the many surprises the survivors find includes the Barracks (or a small village full of houses) surrounded by an invisible fence. The Sonic Barrier, which is what the Others (or the residents of the Barracks) call this structure, is made of tall technological pillars that emit sonic waves in between each other.
These sonic waves prevent animals and strangers from crossing the barrier and entering the Barracks. Eventually, some of the survivors devise a plan to cross through the fence to access a secure living facility.
Work with the professionals at Amazing Fencing. As one of the largest fencing companies in Australia, we can easily make your dream fence a reality.
While we can’t build sonar fences, we can help you build anything made from timber, colorbond steel, chain wire and similar materials.
When you install a new fence on your property, it’s important to consider how much maintenance it is going to need before you buy. You want to ensure your new fence looks great, functions well and will hold up to anything that is thrown at it. From the weather and kids playing, to algae and rust, there are more things that can affect your fence than you might realise.
However, with the right tips and a careful approach, you can take the necessary precautions to ensure that your fence is kept in tip-top shape. By planning and carrying out regular maintenance at the right times, you can ensure that your investment will stand strong for years,
Continue reading to learn some simple maintenance steps you can take to ensure that your fence is kept in immaculate condition no matter what it encounters.
There are many reasons to love a steel fence, such as the fact it will not burn or rot as a timber fence might if not built correctly, and termites will not attack it. One of the primary concerns with steel fencing is that the material can be susceptible to rust. You can reduce the chance of having a rusty fence by using quality products such as Colorbond® fencing or PermaSteel steel fencing as this is no longer an issue due to the protective coatings.
These products are built to last and very durable. Made of galvanized steel, they can resist chipping, cracking, peeling, or rust formation. This anti-corrosion property is exactly what you need for your fencing, as it is both stylish and functional.
Another common issue with residential fencing is the attack of algae on your property. Algae consist of moss, mould, or mildew, which can all be harmful to your fencing. If algae have already set in on your existing fencing, use soap and water or a vinegar mixture to remove it immediately to and avoid the spread.
With a treated pine fence in place, algae will not have a chance to develop or spread. Treated pine fences are weather, decay, and termite resistant. With no moisture on your planks, you will have no algae or mould to worry about. Treated pine will last for decades and prevent the wood from deteriorating in both hot or cold temperatures.
A common approach to keeping your residential fencing in tip-top shape is to inspect your fence regularly, especially after thunderstorms. Weather, such as rain, hail, and high winds, can cause moderate to severe damage to your fencing. Make sure you inspect it after a storm and take the necessary measures to repair it as needed.
With treated timber or steel fencing in place, you will have no issues when a random storm develops. Permasteel, Colorbond® and timber fences are built to withstand Australia’s wildest weather conditions and are backed by a ten-year warranty.
Another option to keep your fencing looking great is to paint or stain it. If you have timber fencing, applying a natural stain with a brush will help to seal the wood. Treated pine fences are already weather, termite and decay resistant as the treatment prevents the material from degrading under extreme hot and cold weather conditions for decades and provides extreme resistance against termites, fungi, and bores.
With metal fencing, it is best to use an oil-based primer or a metal-specific paint to seal in the material. This will prevent deterioration and assists in rustproofing your fencing. By choosing Colorbond® or PermaSteel fencing, you’ll have a variety of colours to choose from and no further treatment is required. There are really no issues to contend with when you choose this type of fencing, as it does not require any type of upkeep or maintenance. Permasteel and Colorbond® fencing is manufactured with galvanized steel so they are both strong and durable.
Finally, an effective way to keep your residential fencing in immaculate condition is to have it power-washed at least twice a year. Pressure washing your steel or wooden fence removes all the built-up grime, dirt, debris and foliage that can affect your fence through the seasons.
By power washing your fencing, it will be looking brand new again in no time.
There are multiple ways to keep your new fence looking healthy and aesthetically pleasing. Whether you take measures to avoid algae, grime and weather damage to your wooden fence with stains, sealants and regular pressure washing;
or you choose fencing materials such as treated pine or steel, which will not rust, need any sealing, staining, or painting, your fence will be both resilient as well as looking good for many years to come.
One of the most popular fencing materials with Australian homeowners is Colorbond® steel and with good reason. With its durable construction, it is built to withstand the harshest of weather conditions. Colorbond® it is resistant to chipping, peeling, cracking, corrosion and is non-combustible. Additionally, it is also termite resistant making it a great option to keep your home secure year after year. As the name suggests, Colorbond® fencing is available in a range of colours and styles making it incredibly versatile. We believe there is a Colorbond® fencing style to fit the aesthetic of any home.
In addition to all of these great features, Colorbond® fencing is also proving popular as it is an environmentally-friendly product. Constructed from steel, a 100% recyclable material, environmentally-conscious homeowners are realising the eco-benefits of Colorbond® fencing over other fencing options. Due to its strong, durable and long-lasting construction, it doesn’t need to be repaired therefore minimising the amount of chemical products that are often needed in fence repair and maintenance.
Let’s take a closer look at just some of the reasons that Colorbond® steel fencing is the best choice for the environment.
Colorbond® fencing is made from steel, a 100% recyclable material. With the amount of pollution and excess waste affecting our oceans and environment nowadays, it’s important that we take responsibility and choose recyclable materials whenever possible. When Colorbond® fencing eventually reaches the end of its life (a long, long time from now), it can be recycled again so it does not have a negative impact on the environment.
In today’s culture of throwaway products and quick replacements, this is definitely one step in the right direction for the health of our planet.
Producing steel fences doesn’t involve the use of harsh chemicals so there is very little if any, chemical waste produced in the production of this kind of fencing. After Colorbond® fences are put in place, they don’t leak harsh chemicals into the surrounding environment.
Using a fencing material to protect your home that will not contaminate the local environment (especially natural water sources) is another big plus for choosing this type of fence over alternative materials.
Colorbond® steel fences are resistant to termite infestation, meaning you can avoid using harsh chemicals to control any insect issues. You also don’t need to use chemicals to treat the fence to stop it from rotting or becoming susceptible to termite damage.
Choosing Colorbond fencing over other fencing types means you greatly reduce the amount of chemicals that you need to buy and use on your property and this has nothing but a positive impact on the environment.
Colorbond® steel lasts for a long time and, thanks to the way they are manufactured, they don’t have to be painted again year after year. You simply choose the colour that best complements your property and that’s it!
Because the colours don’t fade as time goes by so you don’t have to use paints with lead or other harsh chemicals to touch them up and keep them looking their best.
If you want an environmentally safe but strong and durable fence for your home, you can’t go wrong with Colorbond® steel fence. Not only are these fences made from recyclable materials but they are built to last so that they don’t need to be replaced, be touched up with paints or treated with chemicals that can be harmful to the environment.
Available in a huge range of colours and styles, Colorbond® fencing is not only a great choice for your property from an environmental standpoint but it will also give your home a beautiful, finished appearance that you can be proud of for many years to come.
For most homeowners, their home is an important place of quiet refuge from the outside world so it goes without saying that you want to keep it as safe as possible. You don’t want to worry about intruders breaking into your home and putting your family in harm’s way. A great way to ensure that your home and your family are protected is by installing a quality fence on your property. Not only will it keep you safe but it will add value to your property by adding to the overall aesthetic.
While it’s possible to construct a fence yourself, it will pay off to hire a professional fencing contractor as they will know exactly what they are doing and will be able to build a fence to your exact requirements.
What’s more, they will give your fence that true polished, professional finish that can often be difficult when you don’t have the right experience. With different fencing options available, a fencing contractor will be able to advise you on the best option for your needs and also for your budget.
No matter what your fencing needs are, hiring a professional is always the best option but it’s crucial that you choose the right fencing contractor for the job.
Let’s take a look at some of the most important things you need to consider when choosing a fencing contractor to install your fence.
Some homeowners have a very clear image of the fence they want. Perhaps you want a beautiful treated pine timber fence or Colorbond® fencing to surround your property?
If you have your heart set on a particular fencing style or material, this may dictate which fencing contractor you choose as different contractors often specialise in different materials and/or styles.
As with any household renovation or work that needs to be done on your property, the price is going to be a major consideration. Take some time to work out how much you are prepared to pay for materials and installation and then discuss your options with your fencing contractor. They will be able to advise you on what the best options are for your budget.
Depending on the size of the job, your fencing contractor is going to need a certain amount of time to complete the work required. It’s important to speak with them to arrange a timeline in which you would like your fence put up and for the work to be fully completed.
Professional fencing contractors, like all contractors, work to deadlines so don’t be afraid to ask. The last thing you want is to have to wait weeks or even months feeling unsafe in your home without a fence installed or while wild animals are eating your lawn.
Always look for fencing contractors who are licensed and insured. In the rare situation that something might go wrong, you want to be sure that you are working with a professional fencing contractor who is licensed to do the job right and insured in case of injury.
A contractor who has gone to the trouble of getting their paperwork in order can generally be considered to be trustworthy, professional and dedicated to their work. As a homeowner, you want to hire a fencing contractor with this kind of reputation and nobody else.
When selecting a contractor to install a fence on your property, do your very best to choose someone that you can establish a bond with. If you feel they are constantly trying to upsell or make excuses as to why things can’t or won’t be done, then walk away.
Listen to your instincts and choose a fencing contractor who you will be happy to work with going forward.
Fences, walls and similar barriers have been around for thousands of years. These structures have been used to safeguard livestock, separate land, protect property and enhance landscapes. As time has gone by and materials and building technologies have improved, fences and walls have become incredibly important structures for any property.
Even though the most common use for fencing is to designate boundaries and protect homes and land, there are some world-famous fences that continue to stand the test of time. Below, we’ve listed some of the most famous walls and fences in the world. Read on to learn what purpose these fences serve and why they’re so noteworthy.
Location: Australia
This fence is the longest true fence in the world. It measures at 3,400 miles, or about 5,600 kilometres. This fence was built in the 1880s and then fortified in the early 1900s. It runs from Surfer’s Paradise in Queensland to the cliffs above the Great Australian Bight.
The fence was erected to safeguard sheep from dingoes in the area. Over the years, the dingo fence has served this southern part of the country well.
The farmers and ranchers across Queensland saw fewer attacks from wild dogs, and their sheep were able to graze and grow in number.
However, once the wild dogs left the area, the kangaroo population grew incredibly. Now, kangaroos and sheep compete for sparse grazing along the fence’s perimeter.
Location: United Kingdom
Sometime between 122 and 128 CE, Roman Emperor Hadrian built Hadrian’s Wall in Britannia, what is known today as the United Kingdom. When it was first constructed, the wall stood between 16 and 20 feet tall, 10 feet wide and 73 miles (or about 117 kilometres) long. This security measure runs along the Tyne Rivers and spans from coast to coast, with the ends touching the North and Irish seas.
The wall was built to protect Roman colonies from Scottish tribesman that the Romans considered ‘barbarians’.
The wall is built of stone locally found in the area. The wall upheld its intended purpose, but it has weathered down over time.
As the wall started to disintegrate, people would reuse the intact stones to build other buildings. Now, though, the wall is protected and guarded to prevent theft and preserve the remnants.
Location: France
On both sides of the Pont des Arts Bridge in Paris, you won’t exactly see a fence. Instead, you’ll see about 509 feet (155 metres) of padlocks and key locks. Since 2008, tourists who’ve visited the Pont des Arts have attached a ‘love lock’ to the chain link fence found on either side of the monument.
The locks usually contain love messages or have names on them so that these lovers can display their romance to the world. Visitors who add a lock to the fence will also throw the key into the river Seine to further demonstrate the unbreakable bond of their love.
In total, the fence holds hundreds of thousands of locks. However, in 2015, a 6.5-foot section (about 2 metres) of the fence collapsed under the immense weight. As a result, Paris city officials approved a motion to have all the locks removed from the fence.
In June 2015, all the locks on the fence were removed, and the fence was replaced with glass panelling to prevent tourists from adding more locks.
Location: China
The Great Wall of China is perhaps one of the most well-known barriers in the world. This wall has also become a symbol of Chinese history as it was constructed as early as the third century BCE.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered this structure be built as a means of protecting China from invasion. While the wall didn’t entirely prevent invasions, it did enhance the empire’s economic standing.
Today, parts of the Great Wall of China have crumbled into disrepair, but many portions of it still stand tall and attract many tourists. However, the renaming portions requires a lot of routine maintenance and care to continue standing.
Location: USA
Located in Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts, the Green Monster is the left-field wall of this famous ballpark. The Green Monster is famous for both its size (11 metres high and 70 metres long) and its bright green hue.
The wall was built in 1912 and was originally made of wood. In 1934, it was covered in concrete and tin and has since been re-covered in hard plastic and other durable materials.
The monster was painted the iconic green colour in 1947 to match the rest of the field.
The Green Monster protects Fenway Park from people who might sneak into baseball games, but its great height also protects outsiders from flyaway baseballs.
While portions of these fences and walls have either fallen or been taken down, they have still stood the test of time. They’ve protected both people and land and have become symbols of strength and love.
You too can turn your traditional fence into a symbol of protection and grandeur. Simply turn to Amazing Fencing to find the best materials for your property.
Volunteer organisation BlazeAid says that repair and replacement of hundreds of kilometres of fencing is now complete, almost six months after the bushfires that devastated Coonabarabran. 53 homes were lost to the January bushfires and close to 60,000 hectares of land was burned.
Fencing issues can be complex. Site and location often create real issues for property owners who need to deal with a combination of design, security and basic practical situations. These issues can be quite maddening, and that’s a sure sign you’ll need some help fixing the problems. Fencing contractors can help, whatever the case may be.
Issues you shouldn’t try and handle yourself without advice
There are always some issues where professionals are required to deal with all facets of the problem. Fences may look pretty straightforward, but they’re actually structures, and putting in a fence the wrong way can be a very expensive mistake.
Access and space between fences and buildings: These are much more serious issues than they might look. A fence which restricts access can also block emergency exits and be very dangerous to install because there’s not enough space to work safely.
These are just basic issues. When you bear in mind that each of them can cost thousands of dollars to fix, you can see why it’s a good idea to get some help to make sure you get things done properly.
Do not commit to spending a cent until you’re sure you’ve got all these issues under control, and that installation isn’t going to provide “surprises”. Your fencing contractor will need to check the site and do some costing for proper installation.
If you’re doing it yourself- It’s a very good idea to talk to your supplier before you lift a finger with any actual work. Some types of fencing are far better suited to particular sites than others, and your supplier will know all the local issues from termites to powerful sea winds which can wipe out a garden.
When putting in pool fencing, you’ll need advice on compliance. Make sure you’re installing fencing which meets local government requirements.
A good local fencing contractor knows these issues very well and will be able to help.
To get the best results, it’s advisable to talk to a professional with all the facts on hand. As you can see, defining the issues means concentrating on the site issues. Your fencing contractor will be able to check all the issues systematically and provide a working solution