A timber retaining wall can create a lot of extra space on a sloping block and this is how to build one.
- Mark out where the wall will go, using a string between two stakes
- Mark out the spacing between posts, according to the length of the sleepers (1.2 metre intervals for 2.4 metre sleepers or 1.5 metre intervals for 3 metre sleepers)
- Dig each post hole (300 mm wide X 700 mm deep)
- Fill the bottom of each hole with gravel to provide drainage
- Cut the posts to length and seal all cuts with preservative
- Place the posts in their holes, so that they are leaning about 5 mm towards the slope and fill each hole with concrete
- Put the sleepers in place one by one and mark and drill where they meet the upright posts
- Secure each sleeper to the posts with galvanised nails
- Lay slotted agricultural pipe behind the wall for drainage and surround with gravel
- Line the back of the wall with porous textile fabric to reduce soil erosion
- Back fill behind the wall and create a spoon drain to help with runoff
- Stand back and admire your work!