Have you been thinking about installing a residential fencing on your property? Are you spending time weighing up the pros and the cons? If so, you’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with the decision to install fencing at their home or continue dealing with having less privacy, security and safety on a daily basis.
Installing a quality fence on your property comes with an initial investment and depending on the type of fencing you implement, it may also require some regular maintenance. Outside of these two things, there are no other financial burdens for you to endure and since your fence will be installed within a matter of days, there is very little interruption to your routine. Investing in new fencing is investing in the future and value of your property, your safety and privacy. Residential fencing also provides more control in terms of what you need to put up with when outlining your property boundaries with your neighbours.
Keep reading to learn more about just some of the reasons that homeowners are choosing to install residential fencing on their property.
Everybody wants to feel secure where they live and one way to make sure you are living on a safe property is to install fencing.
Both wooden or steel fencing will keep intruders, such as burglars, out and away from your home and will keep family members and pets secure inside your yard.
Another favourite reason homeowners want residential fencing fitted is to increase the level of privacy on their property. If you have a nosy, overly chatty neighbour, a fence will allow you to be outside in your yard without their wandering eyes or unnecessary conversation disturbing your day
It also keeps the neighbours from being able to easily look in and see any new items you may have purchased for your yard, eliminating that irritating ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ mentality.
Safety is another primary concern for homeowners, especially parents. If you have small children, you want to make sure they are not going to escape from the yard and end up lost or hurt out on the road. Of course, this goes for your beloved pets as well.
Both children and animals can be quick and can get away from you unexpectedly. Steel fencing with a gate ensures your children or pets will not be able to get out easily, giving you peace of mind that they are safe.
Establishing exactly where your property lines are is another common reason for homeowners to install fencing.
If you have a neighbour or visitor who is unsure of exactly where the property line is, placing timber fencing around the perimeter of your property will eliminate any confusion as to where the boundaries of your land lie.
Many homeowners choose to install fencing to block out ugly buildings or other unattractive items from view. If you have a neighbour across the road who refuses to stay up-to-date with their home maintenance or you live in an area where ugly, industrial buildings are prevalent, a fence can be a great solution.
Putting up a fence will allow you to block any unsightly views from your garden, which will give you much more peace and enjoyment of your home and yard.
There are numerous reasons to install either timber fencing or steel fencing in your yard. Whether you want to enjoy privacy from your neighbours, have security from burglars, creates a safe environment for kids and/or pets, make property lines known, or to simply refrain from looking at things you would rather not, residential fencing can be a great long-lasting solution.
Keep your home safe, and secure and ensure that you and your family can enjoy your home with more privacy than ever before.