Fences sometimes need work done on them, but it’s not always obvious when there are real problems. The tough old wooden fences might have a paling loose or something similar, or may be sagging. Color bond fences can take a battering, but they sometimes need work to keep them stable, and to fix any damage. If you’ve got a problem, and aren’t sure what your fencing needs, there are a few ways to deal with the issues and prevent further problems developing.
Fencing problems -- General issues
There are two classes of fencing problems:
Local damage: A part of the fencing is damaged or needs repair. This damage can develop if the fence is under stress and become structural, in cases where repairs are neglected.
Structural damage: The potentially expensive type of issue, which needs immediate remedial work to prevent a problem becoming a disaster.
Local damage
Local damage is caused by an incident or sometimes an accident. Wood may crack through stress fractures, or warping over time. Metal fencing may suffer an impact or soil issues which destabilize that part of the fence. Both types of fencing may be affected by tree roots which can undercut their base, putting a lot of increasing pressure on them. This type of damage is first visible as local damage.
Structural damage
Structural damage affects part of the fence, and tends to spread. If a fence is for any reason out of alignment, gravity alone can damage the structure. Some types of soil, water and local environmental issues will add to this damage.
Fencing problems
Local damage
Local repairs will be required, but it’s always advisable to check the causes of the damage. The problems may have developed, and other parts of the fence may need to be checked. Always check footings to see if a real problem is developing.
Structural damage
The first signs of structural damage are:
If you see clear indications of structural damage, get on the phone to your fencing contractors ASAP. The sooner these issues are fixed, the cheaper the job will be.
Problem solving
The different types of fencing problem need different solutions:
The best solution for fencing problems is to keep an eye on your fencing, check out any signs of changes to the fence, and take immediate action to stop problems before they start.